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Tags: fridayqna plist serialization
Object serialization is a common requirement for saving files to disk, communicating over a network, or simply persisting settings. Today, I'm going to talk about the basics of using property lists for object serialization, a topic suggested by Nicolas Goles.
Serialization is the process of translating objects in memory to and from a stream of bytes. It's most commonly used for saving data to disk, and it's also useful for sending data over a network connection.
There are many ways to serialize data. Among the common ways on Apple platforms are:
- Core Data
- SQLite
- Custom binary formats
- Property lists
Of these, Core Data is probably the most popular, or at least the most hyped. Personally, I'm not a big fan. I find the API to be unwieldy and the framework itself to be painfully slow for anything more than a small amount of data.
SQLite is what Core Data usually works with, but it can also be used directly. This gives you a full SQL database with a local API and decent performance, but it's more work than other approaches, and is often unnecessary for small amounts of data.
can be a nice middle ground, but it ties the serialized representation too closely to the in-memory representation for my tastes.
Custom binary formats can be great, but are usually a ton of work. You should avoid these when you can, but if you need them, there's no substitute.
Property lists provide a simple way to save small to moderate amounts of data easily and quickly. They're my technique of choice whenever I'm not storing enormous amounts of data.
Property List Review
I assume that everyone reading this blog knows what property lists are and how they work, but just in case I'm wrong, here's a quick review.
Conceptually, a property list is a collection of objects of certain types:
- Strings.
- Numbers.
- Raw data.
- Dates.
- Booleans.
- Arrays.
- Dictionaries with string keys.
It's similar to JSON, except that it has some types that JSON does not (dates and raw data), and property lists can't store null
A property list can exist as objects in memory or as serialized data. As objects in memory, these types are represented by the Objective-C classes NSString
, NSNumber
, NSData
, NSDate
, NSArray
, and NSDictionary
. On disk, property lists can be stored as XML or in a compact, efficient binary format.
Basic Property List Serialization
Let's take the following class as an example of something we want to serialize:
@interface Airplane : NSObject
@property (copy) NSString *model;
@property (copy) NSString *registrationNumber
@property unsigned long long airframeHours;
We'll add a pair of methods to this interface, one to serialize it to a property list, and one to deserialize it:
- (id)propertyListRepresentation;
+ (instancetype)airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation: (id)plist;
These will simply place the above fields into an NSDictionary
and fetch them back out again:
- (id)propertyListRepresentation
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
dict[@"model"] = _model;
dict[@"registrationNumber"] = _registrationNumber;
dict[@"airframeHours"] = @(_airframeHours);
return dict;
+ (instancetype)airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation: (id)plist
Airplane *airplane = [[self alloc] init];
[airplane setModel: plist[@"model"]];
[airplane setRegistrationNumber: plist[@"registrationNumber"]];
[airplane setAirframeHours: [plist[@"airframeHours"] unsignedLongLongValue]];
return airplane;
The code that owns the Airplane
can then use these methods in conjunction with NSPropertyListSerialization
to serialize the object:
- (void)saveToURL: (NSURL *)url
id plist = [_airplane propertyListRepresentation];
NSError *error;
NSData *plistData = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataWithPropertyList: plist format: NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0 options: 0 error: &error];
NSLog(@"Unable to generate plist from Airplane: %@", error);
BOOL success = [plistData writeToURL: url options: NSDataWritingAtomic error: &error];
NSLog(@"Unable to write plist data to disk: %@", error);
- (void)readFromURL: (NSURL *)url
NSError *error;
NSData *plistData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: url options: 0 error: &error];
NSLog(@"Unable to read plist data from disk: %@", error);
id plist = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListWithData: plistData options: nil format: NULL error: &error];
NSLog(@"Unable to decode plist from data: %@", error);
_airplane = [Airplane airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation: plist];
Let's add another model class and another layer to the serialization with this interface:
@interface Pilot : NSObject
@property (copy) NSString *name;
@property (copy) NSArray *airplanes;
I'll make use of the helper macros from MACollectionUtilities, so beware, and check out that link if the code is confusing.
The serialization methods for this class will recursively call the ones on Airplane
and build an array from the Airplane
- (id)propertyListRepresentation
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
dict[@"name"] = _name;
dict[@"airplanes"] = MAP(_airplanes, [obj propertyListRepresentation]);
return dict;
+ (instancetype)pilotWithPropertyListRepresentation: (id)plist
Pilot *pilot = [[self alloc] init];
[pilot setName: plist[@"name"]];
[pilot setAirplanes: MAP(plist[@"airplanes"], [Airplane airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation: obj])];
return pilot;
This technique can be extended to whatever depth you need, with property list representations containing other property list representations containing still others.
We may have multiple subclasses of these model classes, at which point the property list serialization code has to get a bit smarter. Let's give Airplane
some subclasses:
@interface PoweredAirplane : Airplane
@property int engineHorsepower;
@property unsigned long long engineHours;
@interface Glider : Airplane
@property unsigned long long aerotowLaunchCount;
@property unsigned long long winchLaunchCount;
The code for -propertyListRepresentation
is easy: call super
, then add more entries to the dictionary.
// PoweredAirplane
- (id)propertyListRepresentation
// We know that super returns a mutable dictionary
// so stuff more entries into that.
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [super propertyListRepresentation];
dict[@"engineHorsepower"] = @(_engineHorsepower);
dict[@"engineHours"] = @(_engineHours);
return dict;
// Glider
- (id)propertyListRepresentation
// We know that super returns a mutable dictionary
// so stuff more entries into that.
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [super propertyListRepresentation];
dict[@"aerotowLaunchCount"] = @(_aerotowLaunchCount);
dict[@"winchLaunchCount"] = @(_winchLaunchCount);
return dict;
However, +airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation:
needs support in the Airplane
class. Simply implementing it in the subclasses like -propertyListRepresentation
above won't do the job:
// PoweredAirplane
+ (instancetype)airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation: (id)plist
PoweredAirplane *airplane = [super airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation: plist];
[airplane setEngineHorsepower: [plist[@"engineHorsepower"] intValue];
[airplane setEngineHours: [plist[@"engineHours"] unsignedLongLongValue];
return airplane;
// Glider
+ (instancetype)airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation: (id)plist
Glider *glider = [super airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation: plist];
[glider setAerotowLaunchCount: [plist[@"aerotowLaunchCount"] unsignedLongLongValue]];
[glider setWinchLaunchCount: [plist[@"winchLaunchCount"] unsignedLongLongValue]];
return glider;
What's the problem? Let's look at the implementation of Pilot
again, specifically this line:
[pilot setAirplanes: MAP(plist[@"airplanes"], [Airplane airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation: obj])];
The way Airplane
implements +airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation:
, it has no idea about subclasses. By directly messaging Airplane
, this code generates instances of Airplane
, and not its subclasses. Because of this, information is lost when moving through serialization.
To fix this Airplane
needs to be made aware of subclasses. We can use introspection to avoid having to hardcode knowledge of all subclasses in the code.
First, the implementation of propertyListRepresentation
needs to save the class name into the property list along with the other data. We'll add a line to do that:
- (id)propertyListRepresentation
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
dict[@"class"] = NSStringFromClass([self class]);
dict[@"model"] = _model;
dict[@"registrationNumber"] = _registrationNumber;
dict[@"airframeHours"] = @(_airframeHours);
return dict;
Second, the implementation of airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation:
needs to retrieve the class and use it to instantiate the new object instead of simply calling [self alloc]
+ (instancetype)airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation: (id)plist
Class class = NSClassFromString(dict[@"class"]);
Airplane *airplane = [[class alloc] init];
[airplane setModel: plist[@"model"]];
[airplane setRegistrationNumber: plist[@"registrationNumber"]];
[airplane setAirframeHours: [plist[@"airframeHours"] unsignedLongLongValue]];
return airplane;
With these modifications in place, the subclass implementations of +airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation:
work as desired.
It's common to have fields that can be nil
, and you have to ensure that the code can deal with that. For example, if name
can be nil, then blindly stuffing it into a dictionary won't work:
dict[@"name"] = _name;
refuses nil
values, and will throw an exception if you attempt to add one.
In general, we can represent nil
values through the simple absence of a key, so a quick if
statement suffices to fix the problem:
dict[@"name"] = _name;
However, repeating if
statements endlessly can get tedious. It's also easy to forget one. Another way to deal with the problem is to create an NSMutableDictionary
subclass that does the check for us:
@interface MANilToleratingDictionary : NSMutableDictionary
@implementation MANilToleratingDictionary {
NSMutableDictionary *_innerDictionary;
- (id)init
if((self = [super init]))
_innerDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- (NSUInteger)count
return [_innerDictionary count];
- (id)objectForKey: (id)key
return [_innerDictionary objectForKey: key];
- (NSEnumerator *)keyEnumerator
return [_innerDictionary keyEnumerator];
- (void)setObject: (id)obj forKey: (id <NSCopying>)key
// Don't pass nil objects into the underlying dictionary.
[_innerDictionary setObject: obj forKey: key];
- (void)removeObjectForKey: (id)key
[_innerDictionary removeObjectForKey: key];
Now, this class can be used in place of a plain NSMutableDictionary
, and attempts to set nil
values will be ignored:
- (id)propertyListRepresentation
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[MANilToleratingDictionary alloc] init];
dict[@"name"] = _name;
dict[@"airplanes"] = MAP(_airplanes, [obj propertyListRepresentation]);
return dict;
If _name
is nil
here, the key will simply by absent from the dictionary.
Error Checking
Because property lists are dynamically typed, you run the risk of getting an object of an unexpected type. You may expect an NSString
, but the property list could contain an NSNumber
for that key instead.
Cocoa and Objective-C implicitly perform a certain amount of checking for you, by virtue of the fact that sending messages to an object that it doesn't understand will throw an exception. Depending on your situation, this may be enough. For example, if you're saving data into Application Support and can reasonably expect no other app to be messing with the files, you can probably get away with just assuming that the property list contents are correct, and crashing if they're not. Even if you're creating user-accessible documents this way, you may not need to do anything special, depending on how robust you want to be against malformed documents.
For more detailed checking, you'll want to use the isKindOfClass:
method. At the most basic, you can just bail out and return nil
if it fails:
id name = dict[@"name"];
if(![name isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
return nil;
_name = name;
Silent failures like this are generally bad, so you probably at least want to log an error:
id name = dict[@"name"];
if(![name isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
NSLog(@"'name' field was not a string, can't load plist data. Actual 'name' value is: %@", dict[@"name"]);
return nil;
_name = name;
In same cases, you really want to get information back to the user, like if you're loading a document file or made a request to a server and the property list contains bad data. In that case, you'll want to use the standard NSError
mechanisms. For best results, you can use a custom domain, some custom codes, and a custom user info key. For example:
NSString * const kPlistTypeErrorDomain = @"kPlistTypeErrorDomain";
enum {
NSString * const kPlistTypeErrorKeyName = @"kPlistTypeErrorKeyName";
You could then add a parameter to the API to return an error, and use it to inform the caller of what went wrong:
+ (instancetype)pilotWithPropertyListRepresentation: (id)plist error: (NSError **)outError
Pilot *pilot = [[self alloc] init];
id name = plist[@"name"];
*outError = [NSError errorWithDomain: kPlistTypeErrorDomain code: kPlistMissingKeyError userInfo: @{ kPlistTypeErrorKeyName : @"name" }];
return nil;
if(![name isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
*outError = [NSError errorWithDomain: kPlistTypeErrorDomain code: kPlistBadTypeError userInfo: @{ kPlistTypeErrorKeyName : @"name" }];
return nil;
[pilot setName: name];
id airplanePlists = plist[@"airplanes"];
*outError = [NSError errorWithDomain: kPlistTypeErrorDomain code: kPlistMissingKeyError userInfo: @{ kPlistTypeErrorKeyName : @"airplanes" }];
return nil;
if(![airplanePlists isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
*outError = [NSError errorWithDomain: kPlistTypeErrorDomain code: kPlistBadTypeError userInfo: @{ kPlistTypeErrorKeyName : @"airplanes" }];
return nil;
NSMutableArray *airplanes = [NSMutableArray array];
for(id plist in airplanePlists)
Airplane *airplane = [Airplane airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation: plist error: outError];
return nil;
[airplanes addObject: airplane];
[pilot setAirplanes: airplanes];
return pilot;
This works, but the amount of boilerplate is intense. We can clean it up with some macros:
#define CHECK_NIL(variable, key, outError) \
if(!(variable)) { \
if((outError)) \
outError = [NSError errorWithDomain: kPlistTypeErrorDomain code: kPlistMissingKeyError userInfo: @{ kPlistTypeErrorKeyName : (key) }]; \
return nil; \
#define CHECK_TYPE(variable, type, key, outError) \
if(![(variable) isKindOfClass: [(type) class]) { \
if((outError)) \
outError = [NSError errorWithDomain: kPlistTypeErrorDomain code: kPlistMissingKeyError userInfo: @{ kPlistTypeErrorKeyName : (key) }]; \
return nil; \
The code then becomes considerably nicer:
+ (instancetype)pilotWithPropertyListRepresentation: (id)plist error: (NSError **)outError
Pilot *pilot = [[self alloc] init];
id name = plist[@"name"];
CHECK_NIL(name, @"name", outError);
CHECK_TYPE(name, NSString, @"name", outError);
[pilot setName: name];
id airplanePlists = plist[@"airplanes"];
CHECK_NIL(airplanePlists, @"airplanes", outError);
CHECK_TYPE(airplanePlists, NSArray, @"airplanes", outError);
NSMutableArray *airplanes = [NSMutableArray array];
for(id plist in airplanePlists)
Airplane *airplane = [Airplane airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation: plist error: outError];
return nil;
[airplanes addObject: airplane];
[pilot setAirplanes: airplanes];
return pilot;
It's still not great, as there's a fair amount of repetition, but it's not too bad.
I'm working on a library that aims to make this even nicer, but this article is too narrow to contain it. Check back for a thorough writeup of it next time around.
Top-Level Considerations
The top level of your property list requires some special consideration, especially if you're building a document format that needs to maintain compatibility across versions of your app. Some care needs to be taken to ensure that new data can be added and compatibility can be signaled.
To start with, make sure that the top level object in the property list is never, ever anything but an NSDictionary
. If your data is just a big collection of objects, it can be tempting to just write out an NSArray
containing the property list representations of the objects. Don't do this! It works fine right up until the moment when you decide you want to add something else to the data, at which point you're stuck, because there's no way to add that data to the array without having old versions of the code attempting to interpret it.
If you do nothing else, wrap that array in a simple dictionary:
id plist = @{ @"objects" : array };
Then, when you want to add something else, you can just add a second key:
id plist = @{
@"objects" : array,
@"moreObjects" : otherArray
The old code will simply ignore the additional key, and everything works fine.
This assumes that the additional data isn't essential to understanding the contents of the file, but is some sort of optional add-on. This can be true in many cases, but sometimes you'll want to add things which must be understood, and old code shouldn't even attempt to understand. In that case, you can simply put both arrays under new keys:
id plist = @{
@"firstObjects" : array,
@"moreObjects" : otherArray
When doing this, you'll want to make sure your reader code checks for @"objects"
as well so that it can read files written by older code. Users really hate it when they upgrade an app and all of their old data files become unreadable.
This may not be enough, or your property lists may be too complex for this to be feasible. I recommend adding some explicit version numbering to the top level property list.
The best way to handle this is to store both a major version number and a minor version number. Major version numbers indicate breaking changes. Code which was built to understand major version X
must not attempt to read data with major version X+1
. Minor version numbers indicate smaller changes which don't break compatibility, but which are still useful to signal. Code built to understand minor version X
can still read data wiht minor version X+1
. Later code can take advantage of the minor version number to alter how it reads data, if necessary.
With that, the top level property list would look something like this:
const int kCurrentMajorVersion = 2;
const int kCurrentMinorVersion = 1;
const int kOldReleaseMajorVersion = 1;
id plist = @{
@"majorVersion" : @(kCurrentMajorVersion),
@"minorVersion" : @(kCurrentMinorVersion),
@"objects" : array
When reading the property list, you'll want to make sure to check the major version number first thing:
id majorVersion = plist[@"majorVersion"];
CHECK_NIL(majorVersion, @"majorVersion", outError);
CHECK_TYPE(majorVersion, NSNumber, @"majorVersion", outError);
if([majorVersion intValue] == kCurrentMajorVersion)
// read normally
else if([majorVersion intValue] == kOldReleaseMajorVersion)
// handle the old format
// error: can't read this version
If necessary, the minor version can be used to modify behavior slightly. It can usually be ignored, but it's nice to have the field in there just in case.
XML Versus Binary
When generating the actual property list data, NSPropertyListSerialization
provides two options: XML and binary. Which one should you use?
The advantage of XML is that it can be read, and to an extent edited, with a standard text editor. However, it's also large and slow, and in general I recommend avoiding it.
The binary format can't be read with a text editor, but the data is lean and it's fast to read and write. Xcode will display property lists in a nice graphical editor, so there's no problem inspecting or editing them by hand. The format is even documented, even if just barely, so there's no problem with getting locked in to a proprietary format. If you find yourself with a binary plist that you absolutely must have in XML format, the plutil
utility can convert it.
There are many options for serialization, and property lists can fill a lot of roles well. It doesn't fit every situation, but if you have a reasonably simple object graph without a huge quantity of data, property lists provide a quick, easy, and straightforward way to serialize and deserialize those objects with a minimum of fuss. It requires writing a bit of code, but it can be well worth it for a simple file format over which you maintain full control.
That's it for today. Come back next time for a discussion of my experimental library for performing type checking and handling errors when deserializing objects from property lists. Until then, Friday Q&A is driven by reader suggestions, so please send in your ideas for topics.
subscripting syntax.I'm a bit weary of doing NSClassFromString from something the user can edit, since it's basically arbitrary code execution from user input. At one point I made an array of allowed classes to instantiate, so that the set of classes that can be created is hard-coded into the app (e g NSArray *TCAllowedClassesInFileFormat() { return @[@"TCAirplane", @"TCGlider"]; }). If you're that paranoid, it's also important that you test the string *before* doing NSClassFromString instead of after, so that no +load or +initialize methods are run.
I've also prototyped network protocols in a similar fashion, enough to make a library out of it (although this is going to completely fly in the face of what I just wrote re code execution). In I describe how to use dictionaries as the basis for very rapid network protocol development. If all your model objects implement -propertyListRepresentation, you can just mash them into your outgoing dicts so effortlessly.
The really, really big PITA is validating data. So many CHECK_NIL and CHECK_TYPE *all over the place*, and you have to react to them in sensible ways (in a server: definitely not crashing). I've even considered doing JSON for prototyping, but switching to protobuf with a schema that matches the protocol you ended up to before shipping the app (or doing json schemas, which people will probably lynch me for suggesting).
MANilToleratingDictionary setObject:forKey: should not just ignore nil, but should actively remove the key from the dictionary.
You should pretty much always use a binary plist when writing to disk. BBEdit will open it as a text document if you want to look at the XML. The binary plists are quite a bit smaller, and I expect quite a bit more efficient to save and load.
Interesting article, its interesting to see the similarities and differences to what I do.
, use NSSecureCoding
instead, as it guards against substitution attacks. Mattt has a good writeup on it:
Also your horrible MAP macro can be implemented better as a category to NSArray. (Blocks, you know?)
Over all one of your weaker articles, Mike.
Regarding this statement:
This seems to imply that a Glider will deserialize properly, even when a Pilot is deserializing.
+[Airplane airplaneWithPropertyListRepresentation]
now certainly creates a Glider, but the Glider ivars are never initialized from the plist.
AFAIK you would need to separate the allocation from the initialization -- so that +Airplane can create the subclass and then the new object can initialize itself. Instead of
, how about switching to an instance method -(instancetype)initWithPropertyListRepresentation
? You could then pair this and -(id)propertyListRepresentation
into a Protocol. This is getting closer to the NSCoding protocol, though.
XML is larger and slower, but so what? We have buckets of disk space these days, and even an iPhone has a ridiculously fast CPU compared to any computer from the previous millennium. The difference in processing speed between binary and text is barely detectable.
(Exception: if you have to deal with very large armounts of data on an iPhone, maybe the difference between text and binary is significant. But I'd suggest that if you have such data, plists are the wrong answer either way.)
XML files can be emailed, stored in web pages, and otherwise easily passed around to other computers and other programs without ever worrying about byte orders or binary encodings. On the Internet, ASCII works everywhere.
If you need an internal dumping format, take the fastest and easiest thing, especially if you need to retrieve the contents synchronously at startup on an iOS device. Using binary plists has a measurable advantage there over everything else.
If you want a future-proof, shareable format, take the time to design it properly. Basing it on plist will result in a syntax that's less than it could be. You don't get a domain-specific syntax, you get generic key/value XML that's XML in name only and annoying to parse with any other XML parser. Better make it a domain-specific format than, or use JSON.
If your data contains long strings, binary plists might be almost twice as large as XML plists. This is because strings in binary plists are UTF16 encoded, whereas in XML plists they are UTF8 encoded.
If serialization is I/O limited, XML could be faster than binary plists!
I'd only use the internal NSDictionary if my class weren't a subclass. Like I did here: (does more than ignoring nil but the point is compare subclass vs composition)
Usage is similar to setting up dependent KVO keys: you override various class methods to tell the library how to serialize your object. In particular, you'll want to override +keysForPropertyListRepresentation and +objectClassForPropertyListRepresentationOf(KeyName). There are some others you may need to override in certain circumstances (like serializing arrays of objects, or handling properties that have been renamed).
I've never actually done it, but you should be able to handle deserializing subclasses by overriding -propertyListRepresentation to add a field indicating the class, and overriding -willInitWithPropertyListRepresentation: to return a replacement object of that subclass. It also doesn't really handle errors as robustly as you seem to prefer; I might think about changing that. The nice thing about this approach, though, is that it lets you declare how the object should be serialized, rather than write a bunch of code to actually do all the serialization.
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