mikeash.com: just this guy, you know?

Posted at 2012-01-09 16:52 | RSS feed (Full text feed) | Blog Index
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Buy Videos of My VTM Presentations
by Mike Ash  

I gave two presentations at the Voices That Matter conference in Boston in November. Both presentations were recorded and the videos are now available for purchase. And as a special present for my readers, you can get 35% off!

You can buy every video from the conference in a package for $159.20 (minus discounts), or buy the individual sessions for $15.99 (less the discounts). Here are links to the various products:

When checking out, use coupon code VTMVIDEO to get the 35% discount. And enjoy!

Did you enjoy this article? I'm selling whole books full of them! Volumes II and III are now out! They're available as ePub, PDF, print, and on iBooks and Kindle. Click here for more information.

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