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Previous article: Friday Q&A 2009-12-04: Building Standalone iPhone Web Apps
Tags: fridayqna gcd generators http networking
It's time for another wintry edition of Friday Q&A. From the comfort of your toasty-warm homes, you can read about building an HTTP server using Grand Central Dispatch, a topic suggested by Steven Degutis.
An HTTP server obviously does a lot of networking, and GCD is great for managing IO. It's quick and easy to set up a dispatch source that triggers when a file descriptor is available for reading and writing, which makes it straightforward to write a server that supports many connections simultaneously without inefficient techniques like using a dedicated thread for each connection, and without having to write your own dispatching loop or deal with messy runloop sources.
The desire for asynchronous IO also makes this a perfect use case for generators. Using a generator allows code to be written in a natural top-down manner while still being completely asynchronous and not occupying a thread until completion. This makes it great for incrementally parsing an HTTP request as it comes down the wire, or incrementally sending the response.
This web server is meant more to illustrate techniques and be easy to understand than to be high performance. The primary source of inefficiency is that it reads and writes a single character at a time, which causes a great deal of overhead, but which simplifies the code substantially. A real server should read and write large buffers at once, and also pass those large buffers to and from the generators in use.
If you want to follow along at home, the source code is available in my public subversion repository.
It also depends on MAGenerator, so if you want to build it you'll need to build MAGenerator.m
as well, and make sure that MAGenerator.h
is in your include path.
Due to the heavy use of generators, you'll need to know what those are and how MAGenerator
works. If you haven't already, read my article on MAGenerator
before you go further.
I'm going to take a top-down approach to this server, so the logical place to start is main
. The program is intended to be run with one argument, the port number, so the first thing it does is check for the proper number of arguments, and then extract that port number if it's correct:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(argc != 2)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <port>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
int port = atoi(argv[1]);
to let GCD start doing its thing:
LOG("listening on port %d", port);
return 0;
The code to set up the sockets is straightforward sockets code, and I won't go into details on that. If you're unfamiliar with sockets, there are lots of references out there. Note that the
macro is just something that tests for a -1
return value and prints an error and exits the program if so.
static void SetupSockets(int port)
int listenSocket4 = CHECK(socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0));
int listenSocket6 = CHECK(socket(PF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0));
struct sockaddr_in addr4 = { sizeof(addr4), AF_INET, htons(port), { INADDR_ANY }, { 0 } };
struct sockaddr_in6 addr6 = { sizeof(addr6), AF_INET6, htons(port), 0, IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT, 0 };
int yes = 1;
CHECK(setsockopt(listenSocket4, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void *)&yes, sizeof(yes)));
CHECK(setsockopt(listenSocket6, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void *)&yes, sizeof(yes)));
CHECK(bind(listenSocket4, (void *)&addr4, sizeof(addr4)));
CHECK(bind(listenSocket6, (void *)&addr6, sizeof(addr6)));
function is where things start to get interesting. This first calls listen
on the socket to make it start listening for connections. It then creates a new dispatch_source_t
to handle events on the socket. Note that, just as with select
, GCD treats a new connection on a listening socket as a read event, so that's the type of dispatch source that this function creates:
static void SetupListenSource(int s)
CHECK(listen(s, 16));
dispatch_source_t source = NewFDSource(s, DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, ^{
// leak it, it lives forever
function is just a simple wrapper for a couple of GCD calls:
static dispatch_source_t NewFDSource(int s, dispatch_source_type_t type, dispatch_block_t block)
dispatch_source_t source = dispatch_source_create(type, s, 0, dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0));
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(source, block);
return source;
When a new connection arrives,
is called to set up the connection. The first thing it does is call accept
to get the socket for that specific connection:
static void AcceptConnection(int listenSock)
struct sockaddr addr;
socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr);
int newSock = CHECK(accept(listenSock, &addr, &addrlen;));
LOG("new connection on socket %d, new socket is %d", listenSock, newSock);
struct Connection *connection = NewConnection(newSock);
man page:
Important: a cancellation handler is required for file descriptor and
mach port based sources in order to safely close the descriptor or
destroy the port. Closing the descriptor or port before the cancellation
handler has run may result in a race condition: if a new descriptor is
allocated with the same value as the recently cosed descriptor while the
source's event handler is still running, the event handler may read/write
data to the wrong descriptor.
(The word "cosed" is not my typo.)
The trick is that a socket is bidirectional, and the server will ultimately have two dispatch sources monitoring it, one for reading and one for writing. Neither one can safely close the socket in its cancellation handler, because it's unknown which one will be cancelled first. Thus, the Connection
structure simply holds the socket as well as a reference count which starts out at 2. Each cancellation handler decrements the refcount, and then closes the socket if it's the last one out.
The next step is to create a request reader, which is a generator that parses the incoming HTTP request:
int (^requestReader)(char) = RequestReader(connection);
, it writes out an error response if the request wasn't complete enough to generate a normal response, then cancels the handler. Since this is an HTTP 1.0 server, not a 1.1 server, the connection is not reusable for subsequent requests, but rather the client must open a new one each time.
__block BOOL didSendResponse = NO;
__block dispatch_source_t source; // gcc won't compile if the next line is an initializer?!
source = NewFDSource(newSock, DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_READ, ^{
char c;
LOG("reading from %d", newSock);
int howMuch = read(newSock, &c, 1);
LOG("read from %d returned %d (errno is %d %s)", newSock, howMuch, errno, strerror(errno));
BOOL isErr = NO;
if(howMuch == -1 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR)
LOG("read returned error %d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno));
isErr = YES;
if(howMuch > 0)
int ret = requestReader(c);
didSendResponse = YES;
if(howMuch == 0 || isErr)
Write(connection, ErrCodeWriter(400));
The cancel handler simply releases the connection and the dispatch source:
dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(source, ^{
"resumes" the source so that it can start processing:
and tells it which resource it's supposed to process. This parser completely ignores any headers sent by the client, so once the method and resource have been read, it simply enters a loop and skips over any remaining input.
GENERATOR(int, RequestReader(struct Connection *connection), (char))
NSMutableData *buffer = [NSMutableData data];
// read the request method
while(c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != ' ')
[buffer appendBytes: &c length: 1];
// if the line ended before we got a space then we don't understand the request
if(c != ' ')
LOG("Got a bad request from the client on %d", connection->sock);
Write(connection, ErrCodeWriter(400));
GENERATOR_YIELD(1); // signal that we got enough for a response
// we only support GET
if([buffer length] != 3 || memcmp([buffer bytes], "GET", 3) != 0)
LOG("Got an unknown method from the client on %d", connection->sock);
Write(connection, ErrCodeWriter(501));
GENERATOR_YIELD(1); // signal that we got enough for a response
// skip over the delimeter
// read the resource
[buffer setLength: 0];
while(c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != ' ')
[buffer appendBytes: &c length: 1];
LOG("Servicing request from the client on %d", connection->sock);
NSString *s = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData: buffer encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
Write(connection, ErrCodeWriter(400));
ProcessResource(connection, s);
GENERATOR_YIELD(1); // signal that we got enough for a response
// we just ignore anything else sent by the client
function is extremely simple. It simply gets a content generator for the resource in question, and writes it:
static void ProcessResource(struct Connection *connection, NSString *resource)
Write(connection, ContentGeneratorForResource(resource));
just checks for known resources and returns the appropriate handler if it finds one, otherwise returning a "not found" handler. If you wanted to add more handlers, this is where they would go:
static NSData *(^ContentGeneratorForResource(NSString *resource))(void)
if([resource isEqual: @"/"])
return RootHandler(resource);
if([resource isEqual: @"/listing"])
return ListingHandler(resource);
return NotFoundHandler(resource);
function is basically the inverse of the read handler shown above. It takes the content generator, and wraps it in a byte generator which generates one byte at a time. It then writes those bytes until no more remain, or an error occurs, at which point it shuts down the write side of the socket and releases the connection and dispatch source:
static void Write(struct Connection *connection, NSData *(^contentGenerator)(void))
int (^byteGenerator)(void) = ByteGenerator(contentGenerator);
__block dispatch_source_t source;
source = NewFDSource(connection->sock, DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_WRITE, ^{
int byte = byteGenerator();
BOOL err = NO;
if(byte != -1) // EOF
unsigned char buf = byte;
int howMuch;
howMuch = write(connection->sock, &buf, 1);
while(howMuch == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR));
if(howMuch == -1)
err = YES;
LOG("write returned error %d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno));
if(byte == -1 || err)
LOG("Done servicing %d", connection->sock);
dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler(source, ^{
CHECK(shutdown(connection->sock, SHUT_WR));
instances. The idea is that it can return its response in nice manageable chunks, but not have to build up the entire response in memory ahead of time. However, to simplify writing, the server writes only one byte at a time. The ByteGenerator
generator takes an NSData
generator and returns the individual bytes, one by one. Since it needs to be able to signal when it reaches the end, it actually returns an int
, using -1
as the EOF
signal and positive numbers for byte values:
GENERATOR(int, ByteGenerator(NSData *(^contentGenerator)(void)), (void))
__block NSData *data = nil;
__block NSUInteger cursor = 0;
if(cursor < [data length])
const unsigned char *ptr = [data bytes];
[data release];
data = [contentGenerator() retain];
cursor = 0;
} while(data);
[data release];
Resource Handlers
The first handler is an error code writer. Give it a code, it dumps out an appropriate error response. This is used in the request parsing code to handle errors there:
GENERATOR(NSData *, ErrCodeWriter(int code), (void))
if(code == 400)
GENERATOR_YIELD(Data(@"HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request"));
else if(code == 501)
GENERATOR_YIELD(Data(@"HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented"));
GENERATOR_YIELD(Data(@"HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error"));
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Content-type: text/html\r\n"
@"The server generated error code %d while processing the HTTP request",
error page:
GENERATOR(NSData *, NotFoundHandler(NSString *resource), (void))
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\n"
@"Content-type: text/html\r\n"
@"The resource %@ could not be found",
GENERATOR(NSData *, RootHandler(NSString *resource), (void))
NSString *str = @"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
@"Content-type: text/html\r\n"
@"Welcome to GCDWeb. There isn't much here. <a href=\"listing\">Try the listing.</a>";
using an NSDirectoryEnumerator
. The server architecture allows the response to be generated incrementally and sent to the client as the response is created, rather than buffering it all and sending it in one big chunk, and yet the response handler code is, once again, completely straightforward top-to-bottom:
GENERATOR(NSData *, ListingHandler(NSString *resource), (void))
__block NSEnumerator *enumerator = nil;
NSString *str = @"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
@"Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n"
@"Directory listing of <tt>/tmp</tt>:<p>";
NSFileManager *fm = [[NSFileManager alloc] init]; // +defaultManager is not thread safe
enumerator = [[fm enumeratorAtPath: @"/tmp"] retain];
[fm release];
NSString *file;
while((file = [enumerator nextObject]))
// note: file is no longer valid after this point!
[enumerator release];
structure, which i won't go over here, but you can always read the source if you want to see them.
The combination of GCD and generators makes for a relatively simple asynchronous server architecture. 400 lines of code gives us a fairly complete, if not very featureful, web server which is fully multithreaded to handle multiple connections simultaneously, and which automatically uses thread pools to distribute work.
However, this server is not very efficient due to reading and writing single bytes. A better technique would be to manage buffers. Doing so would not make the code too much more complex, and would eliminate a great deal of overhead. This would, I think, push this server into the realm of being reasonable to use for real-world situations.
Another interesting thing to consider is that the response side of the server is only asynchronous in one direction. Resource handlers commonly read files, but the architecture of this server does not allow for asynchronous reading of files in the resource handler, only asynchronous writing of the data. Although probably not a problem in normal situations (the file read can simply block for a bit, and it won't cause trouble except for holding on to a worker thread until it's done) it would be cleaner and potentially more efficient to make the server asynchronous in both directions.
Accomplishing this would be a fair amount of work. The write side would need to use two dispatch sources, one for the write socket and one for the file, and would have to suspend and resume them in a complicated fashion to stop GCD from calling the event handler of one source while waiting for the other source to open up. It could be done, and wouldn't be enormously complicated, but is well beyond the scope of this demonstration server.
That wraps up this week's edition. Come back in 5e-1 fortnights for a special (as in, you won't want to read it) first anniversary retrospective edition. As always, keep your suggestions for topics coming. Friday Q&A is driven by your ideas, so if you'd like to see something discussed here, send it in.
__block dispatch_source_t source; // gcc won't compile if the next line is an initializer?!
This is because you refer to source itself within the block, which you can't do in the variable's initializer because the initializer is evaluated before the declaration within the compiler; in essence, GCC doesn't know that the variable exists yet. Whether that behavior conforms to C90 or C99, I don't know.
void Foo(int x)
int x = x + 1; // use the parameter to initialize the local
It's legal, builds fine, and doesn't even produce any warnings. But the
that's used in the initializer is not the parameter, it is the local variable, and thus the variable is effectively uninitialized even though there is an initializer.
And in fact, gcc is perfectly happy to have a block refer to itself, too:
void Bar(void)
void (^block)(void) = ^{ block(); };
This compiles fine, no warnings.
It also doesn't work as expected, because it captures the value of
from before the initializer occurs, thus capturing a junk value. To work around that problem, you can qualify the variable with __block
, which causes the block to track changes to the variable. Works fine, except that if you initialize the block on the same line rather than on a separate line, gcc throws these bizarre errors:
test.m: In function ‘__Bar_block_invoke_1’:
test.m:16: error: request for member ‘__forwarding’ in something not a structure or union
test.m: In function ‘Bar’:
test.m:16: error: invalid type argument of ‘unary *’
Clang handles it fine, and there's nothing wrong with the code. It's just a gcc bug.
int x = x + 1; // use the parameter to initialize the local
GCC_WARN_SHADOW, -Wshadow will give you a warning for this, if desirable.
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