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Friday Q&A 2010-04-30: Dealing with Retain Cycles
by Mike Ash  

Happy iPad 3G day to everyone. Whether you're waiting in line, waiting for the delivery guy, or just pining at home like I am, you can fill your idle moments with another edition of Friday Q&A. This week, Filip van der Meeren has suggested that I discuss retain cycles and how to deal with them.

Retain Cycles
First we need to discuss exactly what a retain cycle is. I'll assume you're familiar with standard Cocoa memory management. The simplest retain cycle is when two objects retain each other:

    Object A
     |    ^
     |    |
     v    |
    Object B
And in the general case, it can be any collection of objects which results in a circular series of links like this. It's rare, but possible, to have a chain of three, four, five, or more objects which point to each other in a cycle.

Retain cycles are a problem because the standard for Cocoa memory management is to release such retained references in an object's dealloc method. However, if an object is being retained, it won't dealloc. Objects which are part of a retain cycle will never be deallocated, and will leak if separated from the rest of the application.

Note that retain cycles can involve your own classes, but can also involve Cocoa classes. Two of the most common culprits in retain cycles in Cocoa classes are NSTimer and NSThread.

Also note that retain cycles only affect code that uses manual memory management. Cocoa's garbage collector is able to detect and destroy objects which have strong references to each other but which aren't referenced from the outside. However, retain cycles are a big threat if you're using retain/release memory management (like if you're on the iPhone), and can even show up in a garbage collected application if you use CFRetain and CFRelease to bypass the collector.

Avoiding Retain Cycles
Apple's memory management guidelines state that when two objects have a parent-child relationship, the parent should retain the child. If the child needs a reference back to the parent, that reference should be an unretained, weak reference. This allows the parent to be deallocated, which can then release its reference to the child, avoiding a cycle.

However, sometimes you have two objects which are peers. Neither one is a parent of the other, but they need to reference each other. If these references are retained, then you have a cycle.

One way to deal with this is to redefine the relationship into parent-child. You can arbitrarily choose one to be the parent object, which will have a retained reference to the other. The other can then have a weak reference to the first. The cycle diagram then looks like this:

    Object A
     |    ^
     |    :
     v    :
    Object B
To be safe, Object A should always zero out B's weak reference when it's destroyed, to ensure that B doesn't then try to message it afterwards:
    - (void)dealloc
        [_b setAReference: nil];
        [_b release];
        [super dealloc];
(This is also a good practice to follow with any weak reference, including things like NSTableView data sources.)

An alternative approach is to have another object act as the parent for both sub-objects. This can work with either retained or weak references between the sub-objects. With retained references:

           Object C
           |      |
           |      |
           v      v
    Object A<====>Object B
In this scenario, you still have a retain cycle, but C can break the cycle when it releases its references:
    - (void)dealloc
        // break the cycle by zeroing the reference
        [_a setBReference: nil];
        // this breaks the cycle in both directions; this is optional
        [_b setAReference: nil];
        [_a release];
        [_b release];
        [super dealloc]; 
You can also have a weak reference between the sub-objects:
           Object C
           |      |
           |      |
           v      v
    Object A<::::>Object B
In this case, C should clear the weak references as well to be safe, but could get away without doing so.

Which way is better? They're both basically equivalent. I think that using retained references is a bit safer, both in terms of continuing to work correctly if you change the object graph later, and in being more resistant to mistakes in the code.

NSThread and NSTimer
NSThread and NSTimer are common causes of retain cycles. It's not unusual to write code like this:

    - (id)init
        _timer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.1 target: self selector: @selector(whatever) userInfo: nil repeats: YES] retain];
    - (void)dealloc
        [_timer invalidate];
        [_timer release];
        [super dealloc];
There's a retain cycle here! This object retains the timer, and the timer retains its target. And note that you can't fix this by not retaining _timer. The run loop will also retain the timer, and won't release it untill the call to invalidate. This acts as a second retained reference to the timer, causing what is essentially a cycle even without the explicit retained reference.

This exact same problem also happens with an NSThread, when specifying self as the target, and then shutting down the thread in dealloc. The dealloc method will never run, so the thread will never be shut down.

There are two ways to deal with this problem. One is to force explicit invalidation, and one is to split your code into two classes.

An NSTimer won't necessarily be destroyed when you release your final reference to it. As long as the timer is active, the runloop keeps a reference to it. To destroy a repeating timer, you can't just release all of your references to it, you have to explicitly invalidate it.

You can borrow this concept for your own class. Just expose your own invalidate method, and use that to destroy the timer:

    - (void)invalidate
        [_timer invalidate];
        [_timer release];
        _timer = nil;
Of course, this leaks implementation details up into your interface, but forcing clients to explicitly declare when they're done with your object isn't always bad.

The other way is to split your code into two classes. You have a shell class which is exposed to the outside world, and which manages the thread or timer. Then you have an implementation class which is the target of the thread or timer, and which does most of the actual work:

    @implementation MyClassImpl
    - (id)init
        _timer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.1 target: self selector: @selector(_timerAction) userInfo: nil repeats: YES] retain];
    - (void)invalidate
        [_timer invalidate];
        [_timer release];
        _timer = nil;
    - (void)doThingy
        // do stuff here
    - (void)_timerAction
        // periodic code here
    @implementation MyClass
    - (id)init
        _impl = [[MyClassImpl alloc] init];
    - (void)dealloc
        [_impl invalidate];
        [_impl release];
        [super dealloc];
    - (void)doThingy
        // just pass it on to the "real" code
        [_impl doThingy];
By splitting the implementation from the interface, you avoid the retain cycle. In effect, MyClass becomes the common parent object, with MyClassImpl and NSTimer as the sub-objects. The parent then manually breaks the retain cycle between the sub-objects when it's destroyed. Externally, the parent preserves the normal retain/release semantics, with no need for explicit invalidation.

Because blocks retain the objects they reference, they're another excellent candidate for a retain cycle. Consider this code:

    - (id)init
        _observerObj = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName: ... queue: [NSOperationQueue mainQueue] usingBlock: ^(NSNotification *note) {
            [self doSomethingWith: note];
        [_observerObj retain];
    - (void)dealloc
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: _observerObj];
        [_observerObj release];
        [super dealloc];
Because the notification block references self, the block will retain self. The result is a subtle retain cycle. This can happen even if you don't directly reference self; simply referencing an instance variable will indirectly reference self, which will cause the block to retain it.

The solutions used for NSTimer and NSThread will work here as well: either add explicit invalidation to the class's API, or break the class into two pieces.

There's a blocks-specific solution that you can use as well, which is to refer to self through a variable declared __block, which will not be retained:

        __block MyClass *blockSelf = self;
        _observerObj = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName: ... queue: [NSOperationQueue mainQueue] usingBlock: ^(NSNotification *note) {
            [blockSelf doSomethingWith: note];
This avoids the cycle, because blockSelf is not retained. Be careful if you do this to avoid referring to instance variables directly, as those will still reference the original self. If you need to access an instance variable, explicitly indirect through blockSelf by doing blockSelf->_someIvar.

Finding Cycles
For the most part, standard leak finding techniques will work fine for finding retain cycles that cause a leak. Instruments is a good way to find them, both the ObjectAlloc instrument and the Leaks instrument. If you have a cycle that's hard to figure out, its ability to track retain and release calls to each object can help a lot.

If you prefer the command line, or just need text that's easier to search through, the leaks command-line tool is also handy.

When hunting for cycles, note that leaks tools won't always find a cycle if there's an external reference into the cycle. For example, consider a cycle involving an NSTimer. There's a reference from the runloop to the timer, and from the timer to your object, so they're both reachable. Both the Leaks instrument and the leaks tool will not consider this to be a leak. However, if they're doing nothing and build up without end, then it still is a leak, even if they're technically reachable. The ObjectAlloc tool will show this buildup even though the other tools won't identify the leak.

Retain cycles are an unfortunate wart on Cocoa's memory management system. However, with some care, they can be avoided or fixed with a minimum of pain, with small changes to your object hierarchy. Pay extra attention to NSTimer and NSThread (but don't ignore other code!), then either eliminate the cycle or add code that explicitly breaks it.

That's it for this week. Come back in another seven days for the next Friday Q&A. As always, Friday Q&A is driven by reader submissions. If you have an idea for a topic that you'd like to see covered here, please send it in.

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In the fixed NSTimer example, self is still the parameter to target. Doesn't that still create a retain cycle? Shouldn't the target be the new child Impl class?
Never mind. I had the ownership backwards.
Did you meain 'retaining' cycles for the subject of the post? There's a missing 'in' somewhere, I think
I like to avoid timer retain cycles by creating a special timer target class that posts a notification when the timer fires. The owner of the timer observes the timer target notification. The timer retains the special target class rather than the owner of the timer, so there's no retain cycle.
Jeff, that's a really cool solution. Essentially you're adding an intermediary object (NSNotificationCenter) between the two objects involved, which breaks the retain-cycle by referring to your target via simple pointer assignment. Very clever!
Jeff, what's the advantage of using a notification, rather than having the target object have a nonretained pointer to the owner object, and sending it a message directly when the timer fires?
Mike: Just wanted to say how much I appreciate the Friday sessions. Thanks.
jt: And thanks very much for saying so, always nice to see.
In your first code example above, why are you setting _b's A ref to nil? If this is the B dealloc there's no chance it's going to call A later, right?
Using a setter to set to nil is just a convenient way to release the variable. For more information on this technique and the pros and cons of it, see this post:

What about NSThread?
For example, if I have, in a viewDidLoad:
myThread = [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector(go) toTarge:self withObject:nil];

And then I have
- (void) go
  //do something

There is no cycle here, correct? When the go function ends, so does the Thread... or not?

What if the go function were something like this:

- (void) go
  while (![NSThread isCancelled])
    //alloc something
    NSData *d = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile: @"somefilepath"];
    [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1];

I found out, in this case, that "d" is never deallocated, until the thread exits.
It seems that an @autoreleasepool{} is needed around the NSData allocation, for it to be properly released after each cycle. Is that correct?

But still, if I have for example:

- (IBAction) goBack
  [myThread cancel];
  myThread = nil;
  [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];

This will still clear the thread, and the viewController itself, and all the NSData that were allocated, right?

Anything else I should be aware when doing things like these?

Thanks a lot for your very informative posts.
NSThread will retain the target for as long as the thread is alive. If you're terminating the thread before your object is supposed to be deallocated, you're fine. If you're telling the thread to exit in -dealloc, then you'll never get there.

All Cocoa APIs need a periodic autorelease pool drain to clean up their stuff. If you're running your own long-lived thread, then you need an autorelease pool in your thread's top-level loop.
I understand, thanks.
About the NSTimer and retain cycles, this only applies to timers with repeat:YES, right? Because if it does not repeat, it will invalidate itself after firing, at which point it will release its target, so it is not a permanent retain cycle.
Great post Mike. Thanks for creating Friday QA. Learned a lot here.

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