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Posted at 2014-08-29 13:24 | RSS feed (Full text feed) | Blog Index
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Friday Q&A 2014-08-29: Swift Memory Dumping
by Mike Ash  

In previous articles, I've discussed the layout of various runtime data structures in Swift and alluded to a memory dumper that I was using to extract that data. Today, I'm going to walk through the implementation of that dumper.

As is traditional, the full code for the memory dumper can be found on GitHub:


You can take a look at it there to more easily follow along, run it yourself, or just ignore it.

Note that this code should not be considered a good example of style, implementation, or much of anything. Swift is still new to all of us and it certainly shows in my code. It is useful to see how certain things can be done, at least.

We're going to be doing a lot of work with pointers. Swift supports raw pointers fairly well, but not quite to the extent that's needed here. This code really wants to treat pointers like plain integers that happen to represent an address. To make that easier, the Pointer struct contains an address as a UInt, and some utility methods for working with them:

    struct Pointer: Hashable, Printable {

It's Hashable so it can be used in a Dictionary, and Printable is convenient for debugging. It contains one variable, the pointer address:

        let address: UInt

The implementation of Hashable just returns the address converted to an Int. It doesn't care about preserving values or detecting overflows, and just wants to sling the bits across. The builtin function unsafeBitCast does exactly that:

        var hashValue: Int {
            return unsafeBitCast(address, Int.self)

For Printable, NSString's format: initializer makes it easy to create a human-readable representation of the address:

        var description: String {
            return NSString(format: "0x%0*llx", sizeof(address.dynamicType) * 2, address)

The dladdr function takes a pointer and returns information about the corresponding symbol. Specifically, it returns the path name of the binary that contains it, the base address of that binary, the name of the symbol, and the starting address of that symbol. This information will come in handy for other functions, but dladdr is a bit of a pain to call, so a wrapper will prove handy. It returns an optional value since the call can fail:

        func symbolInfo() -> Dl_info? {

It starts by creating a Dl_info struct. In C, we'd just declare it and let it sit uninitialized, but Swift requires an initial value, so this code just creates an empty one:

            var info = Dl_info(dli_fname: "", dli_fbase: nil, dli_sname: "", dli_saddr: nil)

The pointer parameter is typed as UnsafePointer, but the pointer address is a UInt. The unsafeBitCast function bridges the gap:

            let ptr: UnsafePointer<Void> = unsafeBitCast(address, UnsafePointer<Void>.self)

With these variables in place, the actual call is straightforward:

            let result = dladdr(ptr, &info)

dladdr returns zero for failure and any other value for success. This determines whether the Dl_info struct is returned, or nil:

            return (result == 0 ? nil : info)

The symbol name is really useful information to display as part of a memory dump. The Dl_info struct contains the symbol name, but there are two problems with using it directly. First, it's a C string, so it has to be converted to a nicer form in order to use it. Second, dladdr looks up the nearest symbol that comes before the specified address, while we only want the the symbol name for an address if it exactly matches the symbol address, not if it's offset. This symbolName function takes care of these:

        func symbolName() -> String? {

It's possible for symbolInfo to fail, so the call needs to be checked:

            if let info = symbolInfo() {

The returned symbol address is an UnsafePointer, but we want to compare it with address and only return the symbol name if they're equal. Another unsafeBitCast call solves the problem:

                let symbolAddress: UInt = unsafeBitCast(info.dli_saddr, UInt.self)

If the symbol address equals the pointer address, return the symbol name:

                if symbolAddress == address {
                    return String.fromCString(info.dli_sname)

If they don't match, or if dladdr failed altogether, return nil:

            return nil

Another useful function return the pointer to the next symbol following the current pointer. Symbols don't encode lengths, just locations, but looking up the location of the following symbol gives a reasonable ending point for guessing a length. The memory dumping code will use this information to figure out how much memory to read. We don't want to run off into hyperspace if something goes wrong, so this function also takes a limit for how far to search for the next symbol. It returns an optional Pointer, with nil indicating that no following symbol was found:

        func nextSymbol(limit: Int) -> Pointer? {

As before, the call to symbolInfo can fail and must be checked:

            if let myInfo = symbolInfo() {

The search strategy is to iterate byte by byte, calling symbolInfo each time. If the returned symbol base address changes, it's a new symbol. If it hits the limit without finding a new symbol, return nil. To start, it loops from 1 to the limit:

                for i in 1..<limit {

Generate a candidate pointer by adding i to self and get its symbol info:

                    let candidate = self + i
                    let candidateInfo = candidate.symbolInfo()

If symbolInfo fails, the search has failed, return nil:

                    if candidateInfo == nil {
                        return nil

If the returned address is different from the current symbol, the such has succeeded, return the candidate:

                    if myInfo.dli_saddr != candidateInfo!.dli_saddr {
                        return candidate

If the loop terminates or the original symbolInfo call fals, return nil:

            return nil

Hashable includes Equatable which means that Pointer needs an implementation of the == operator:

    func ==(a: Pointer, b: Pointer) -> Bool {
        return a.address == b.address

For convenience, Pointer also gets implementations of the + and - operators:

    func +(a: Pointer, b: Int) -> Pointer {
        return Pointer(address: a.address + UInt(b))

    func -(a: Pointer, b: Pointer) -> Int {
        return Int(a.address - b.address)

We're also going to be doing a lot of work with memory contents. Fundamentally, a chunk of memory is just an array of bytes, but we want to store a bit of info about what kind of memory it is, and we want some functions that help with reading and scanning memory. The Memory struct stores an array of bytes as well as two flags that specify whether the memory was allocated with malloc and whether it corresponds to a symbol:

    struct Memory {
        let buffer: [UInt8]
        let isMalloc: Bool
        let isSymbol: Bool

These two flags can't really both be true simultaneously, so one could argue that this ought to be a three-case enum instead. I thought the two flags were a bit more natural to work with, though.

How do you get a chunk of memory? The fundamental operation is to take a Pointer and read the memory it points to into an array:

        static func readIntoArray(ptr: Pointer, var _ buffer: [UInt8]) -> Bool {

The natural way to implement this in Objective-C would be to cast the pointer to a void * and then call memcpy. In fact, you can do pretty much the same thing in Swift. The withUnsafeBufferPointer method on Array lets you get a pointer to the target buffer's storage, and memcpy is callable from Swift. The problem with this approach, in either language, is that it will crash if the pointer is bad or if the amount being read is too long.

The solution is to read the memory with the mach virtual memory calls. These calls ask the kernel to read the memory on your behalf, and it has all the information it needs to perform the read safely and fail gracefully. Specifically, the mach_vm_read_overwrite call will read memory from a pointer into a buffer, and return an error code if the memory isn't readable. This is the approach we use in PLCrashReporter to read data when walking data structures which may have been corrupted in a crash. It works great here.

In order to read into buffer, we need to get a pointer to its storage. The withUnsafeBufferPointer takes care of that:

            let result = buffer.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
                (targetPtr: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) -> kern_return_t in

withUnsafeBufferPointer doesn't return the pointer. Instead, it calls a function and passes the pointer as a parameter. It returns whatever value the function returns. We'll return the result code from mach_vm_read_overwrite, thus the kern_return_t return type.

mach_vm_read_overwrite takes the pointer to read as a 64-bit unsigned integer, so we have to convert the address of ptr:

                let ptr64 = UInt64(ptr.address)

We also need the target pointer as a 64-bit unsigned integer. The unsafeBitCast function takes care of getting it into an integer, and then that can be converted to a UInt64:

                let target: UInt = unsafeBitCast(targetPtr.baseAddress, UInt.self)
                let target64 = UInt64(target)

The function also returns the amount of data read using an out parameter. This value isn't useful to us (as far as I can tell, it's always the amount requested if the call succeeds) but we still have to pass in a pointer for it to write to, so we need a local variable for it:

                var outsize: mach_vm_size_t = 0

With all the parameters in place, it's time to make the call:

                return mach_vm_read_overwrite(mach_task_self_, ptr64, mach_vm_size_t(buffer.count), target64, &outsize)

Outside of the closure, result now contains the result code returned by mach_vm_read_overwrite. If it returned KERN_SUCCESS, buffer is now filled with contents of the target memory. We'll boil down the result code to a simple true/false for the caller:

            return result == KERN_SUCCESS

Next up, we need a way to take a Pointer and turn it into a Memory instance by reading the contents of that pointer. readIntoArray forms the foundation of this process, but it requires a size, whereas we usually won't know the size of an arbitrary Pointer. The read function takes a Pointer and an optional known size and returns an optional Memory:

        static func read(ptr: Pointer, knownSize: Int? = nil) -> Memory? {

The first step is to try to guess the size of the pointed-to memory. Since we're chasing arbitrary pointers, we can't always figure this out reliably. We'll start by calling malloc_size. This requires converting the address of the Pointer to an UnsafePointer using our good friend unsafeBitCast:

            let convertedPtr: UnsafePointer<Void> = unsafeBitCast(ptr.address, UnsafePointer<Void>.self)
            var length = Int(malloc_size(convertedPtr))

malloc_size helpfully returns zero if the memory wasn't allocated with malloc. (This is not guaranteed in the documentation, so please don't write production code that relies on this fact.) Thus, we can populate isMalloc by checking `length:

            let isMalloc = length > 0

We'll populate isSymbol by checking to see if there's a symbol name for the pointer:

            let isSymbol = ptr.symbolName() != nil

If it's a symbol, then we'll try to guess the length by looking at the distance from that symbol to the following symbol:

            if isSymbol {
                if let nextSymbol = ptr.nextSymbol(4096) {
                    length = nextSymbol - ptr

Guessing the length may fail, and there may not be a known size. In that case, we'll just try reading successive eight-byte chunks of memory until either it fails or we hit some reasonable length:

            if length == 0 && knownSize == nil {

The reads are accumulated in an array that starts out empty:

                var result = [UInt8]()

I arbitrarily chose a limit of 128 bytes while reading data here:

                while (result.count < 128) {

To read eight bytes, create an eight-byte array and call readIntoArray:

                    var eightBytes = [UInt8](count: 8, repeatedValue: 0)
                    let success = readIntoArray(ptr + result.count, eightBytes)

On failure, end the loop. Otherwise, append to result and keep going:

                    if !success {

If nothing could be read at all, return nil. Otherwise, create a new Memory instance and return that:

                return (result.count > 0
                    ? Memory(buffer: result, isMalloc: false, isSymbol: isSymbol)
                    : nil)

If the size could be guessed or was already known, life is a bit simpler. Create an array of the appropriate size and read into it:

            } else {
                if knownSize != nil {
                    length = knownSize!

                var result = [UInt8](count: length, repeatedValue: 0)
                let success = readIntoArray(ptr, result)

If the read succeeded, return a Memory instance, otherwise return nil:

                return (success
                    ? Memory(buffer: result, isMalloc: isMalloc, isSymbol: isSymbol)
                    : nil)

The memory dumper works recursively. It reads a pointer into a buffer, extracts pointers from that buffer, then reads those pointers into buffers and continues in that fashion. Extracting pointers from a buffer is a fundamental part of that process. It's difficult to know exactly what parts of a buffer are pointers. For the purposes of the dumper, it will assume that every naturally aligned pointer-sized quantity is a pointer. There's little harm in guessing wrong, since the memory reader tolerates bad pointers. The scanPointers function takes no parameters (since it operates on a the internal buffer of a Memory instance) and returns an array of PointerAndOffset instances. This is a simple struct that contains one Pointer and one offset as an Int. The offset is useful elsewhere when printing the results, since it can show exactly where a pointer was found. Here's the function declaration:

        func scanPointers() -> [PointerAndOffset] {

Results are accumulated in an array:

            var pointers = [PointerAndOffset]()

The contents of the Memory instance are in buffer which is an array of UInt8. We need to read pointer-sized chunks of this. One way would be to read several elements at a time and do some bitshifting to construct a pointer. Or, since we're already slinging "unsafe" stuff around with reckless abandon, we could just convert it to a UInt pointer and read the data out directly:

            buffer.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
                (memPtr: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) -> Void in

                let ptrptr = UnsafePointer<UInt>(memPtr.baseAddress)

ptrptr contains a pointer to the buffer, treating it as an array of UInt. A loop extracts each Pointer that lies within:

                let count = self.buffer.count / 8
                for i in 0..<count {
                    pointers.append(PointerAndOffset(pointer: Pointer(address: ptrptr[i]), offset: i * 8))

With the array filled out, all that remains is to return it to the caller:

            return pointers

A lot of memory chunks contain strings, and it's useful to scan for strings and print them out in a human-readable fashion. It's impossible to know for sure whether a chunk of memory actually contains a string or just contains binary data that happens to look like a string, but with some heuristics it's possible to do a decent job. I chose to treat any sequence of at least four consecutive bytes in the range of 32-126 inclusive as a string. This range is the range of ASCII characters excluding unprintable control characters. Similar to scanPointers, the scanStrings function takes no parameters and returns an array of String:

        func scanStrings() -> [String] {

First, make constants for the upper and lower bound:

            let lowerBound: UInt8 = 32
            let upperBound: UInt8 = 126

The current candidate sequence is stored in a local array, as are the strings accumulated so far:

            var current = [UInt8]()
            var strings = [String]()

Now, loop through the buffer. The program tacks a zero byte on the end of the buffer when looping through it to ensure that every candidate sequence ends with a byte that's outside the bounds. This avoids the need for a final check of current after the loop ends:

            for byte in buffer + [0] {

If the byte is within the bounds, tack it on to current:

                if byte >= lowerBound && byte <= upperBound {

Otherwise, if current contains at least four bytes, turn it into a String and add it to strings:

                } else {
                    if current.count >= 4 {
                        var str = String()
                        for byte in current {

There's probably a better way to create a String from an array of UInt8, but this works well enough. Finally, clear current for the next round:


Once all is done, return the strings:

            return strings

It's also nice to show a raw hexadecimal representation of the memory contents. The hex function handles this:

        func hex() -> String {

We want spaces every eight bytes:

            let spacesInterval = 8

The output is accumulated in an NSMutableString. The ability to use format strings when appending makes it easier to deal with hexademical:

            let str = NSMutableString(capacity: buffer.count * 2)

Iterate over the buffer. Use enumerate to get both the index and the byte value:

            for (index, byte) in enumerate(buffer) {

Every spacesInterval bytes, add a space:

                if index > 0 && (index % spacesInterval) == 0 {
                    str.appendString(" ")

Add the current byte as hexadecimal:

                str.appendFormat("%02x", byte)

When it's all done, return the accumulated string:

            return str

For completeness, here's the PointerAndOffset struct used above:

    struct PointerAndOffset {
        let pointer: Pointer
        let offset: Int

A lot of the rest of the code involves printing results. A memory dumper isn't very useful unless it shows you what it finds. To make it easier to print results in a useful way, I built a Printer protocol that the other code uses, along with a set of utility functions. The Printer protocol can be implemented to dump output in different forms. Here, I'll show the terminal printer implementation. I also created an implementation that outputs HTML, which you can see on GitHub.

Color is a useful way to show relationships between different printed items. An enum defines available colors for printing:

    enum PrintColor {
        case Default
        case Red
        case Green
        case Yellow
        case Blue
        case Magenta
        case Cyan

The Printer protocol defines the capabilities needed for a printer object. It's not extensive: it allows for printing a string with a color, printing a string with the default color, printing a newline, and terminating output (necessary for closing tags when writing HTML):

    protocol Printer {
        func print(color: PrintColor, _ str: String)
        func print(str: String)
        func println()
        func end()

The TermPrinter class implements Printer:

    class TermPrinter: Printer {

When printing to the terminal, you can produce colors with an escape sequence that contains a color code. This dictionary maps the PrintColor enum values to the appropriate color codes:

        let colorCodes: Dictionary<PrintColor, String> = [
            .Default: "39",
            .Red: "31",
            .Green: "32",
            .Yellow: "33",
            .Blue: "34",
            .Magenta: "35",
            .Cyan: "36"

The full escape sequence for a color consists of the escape character (ASCII code 27), a [ character, the numeric color code, and then a m character. A printEscape utility function captures the process of outputting a PrintColor to the terminal as the appropriate escape sequence:

        func printEscape(color: PrintColor) {

Note that since print is defined as a local method, Swift.print is used to access the built-in function.

The base print method uses printEscape to print the escape code for the given color, prints the string, then for safety goes back to the default color:

        func print(color: PrintColor, _ str: String) {

The single-argument version of the method just calls the two-argument version with .Default:

        func print(str: String) {
            print(.Default, str)

println just calls through to the built-in function:

        func println() {

Finally, the end() method is empty, since there's nothing that needs to be done to wrap up printing to the terminal:

        func end() {}

A couple of convenience functions help with making nicely-formatted output. This pad function pads a string to align it to the left or right if it's shorter than requested. It's not all that interesting, so I won't go into details:

    enum Alignment {
        case Right
        case Left

    func pad(value: Any, minWidth: Int, padChar: String = " ", align: Alignment = .Right) -> String {
        var str = "\(value)"
        var accumulator = ""

        if align == .Left {
            accumulator += str

        if minWidth > countElements(str) {
            for i in 0..<(minWidth - countElements(str)) {
                accumulator += padChar

        if align == .Right {
            accumulator += str

        return accumulator

Similarly, a limit function truncates strings longer than a maximum length:

    func limit(str: String, maxLength: Int, continuation: String = "...") -> String {
        if countElements(str) <= maxLength {
            return str

        let start = str.startIndex
        let truncationPoint = advance(start, maxLength)
        return str[start..<truncationPoint] + continuation

Objective-C Classes
Objective-C classes are commonly found when poking around in memory, so it's useful to have some special handling for them. This struct encapsulates a class:

    struct ObjCClass {

It contains a map from Pointer values to ObjCClass instances:

        static let classMap: Dictionary<Pointer, ObjCClass> = {
            var tmpMap = Dictionary<Pointer, ObjCClass>()
            for c in AllClasses() { tmpMap[c.address] = c }
            return tmpMap

I'll show the implementation of AllClasses in a bit. The dictionary gets wrapped in a fuction to make things marginally nicer:

        static func atAddress(address: Pointer) -> ObjCClass? {
            return classMap[address]

A static helper function assists in dumping the class of an object, as well as all superclasses:

        static func dumpObjectClasses(p: Printer, _ obj: AnyObject) {
            var classPtr: AnyClass! = object_getClass(obj)
            while classPtr != nil {
                ObjCClass(address: Pointer(address: unsafeBitCast(classPtr, UInt.self)), name: String.fromCString(class_getName(classPtr))!).dump(p)
                classPtr = class_getSuperclass(classPtr)

The struct just wraps a Pointer since all other data can be retrieved from the Objective-C runtime using that pointer:

        let address: Pointer

A computed property makes it convenient to retrieve address as an AnyClass, which is the type that the Objective-C runtime functions want to see. Our good friend unsafeBitCast makes yet another appearance:

        var classPtr: AnyClass {
            return unsafeBitCast(address.address, AnyClass.self)

There are a few bits of code that want to retrieve a class's name, and a computed property makes that easy:

        var name: String {
            return String.fromCString(class_getName(classPtr))!

Finally, we want classes to be able to dump themselves to a Printer:

        func dump(p: Printer) {

When working with Objective-C runtime functions, there's a really common pattern where the function returns a pointer to an array that's terminated by NULL, and you're required to free the array when you're done using it. In Swift, the pointers are represented as UnsafeMutablePointer<COpaquePointer>, so one convenient function can wrap up the annoying work:

            func iterate(pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<COpaquePointer>, callForEach: (COpaquePointer) -> Void) {
                if pointer != nil {
                    var i = 0
                    while pointer[i] != nil {

It starts by printing the class name, and for NSObject that's all it bothers with:

            p.print("Objective-C class \(name)")

            if class_getName(classPtr) == "NSObject" {
            } else {

Otherwise, it dumps out the instance variables, properties, and methods, using iterate and trailing closure syntax to make the job easy:

                iterate(class_copyIvarList(classPtr, nil)) {
                    p.print("    Ivar: \(ivar_getName($0)) \(ivar_getTypeEncoding($0))")
                iterate(class_copyPropertyList(classPtr, nil)) {
                    p.print("    Property: \(property_getName($0)) \(property_getAttributes($0))")
                iterate(class_copyMethodList(classPtr, nil)) {
                    p.print("    Method: \(sel_getName(method_getName($0))) \(method_getTypeEncoding($0))")

The AllClasses function calls objc_copyClassList and iterates over the result:

    func AllClasses() -> [ObjCClass] {
        var count: CUnsignedInt = 0
        let classList = objc_copyClassList(&count)

        var result = [ObjCClass]()

        for i in 0..<count {

The class pointer at that index is extracted, then unsafeBitCast makes another appearance so the thing can be converted to a Pointer:

            let rawClass: AnyClass! = classList[Int(i)]
            let address: Pointer = Pointer(address: unsafeBitCast(rawClass, UInt.self))

An ObjCClass is created from the Pointer and added to the result array:

            result.append(ObjCClass(address: address))

The result array is then returned to the caller:

        return result

Scanning Data Structures
We're ready to start looking at the actual scanning machinery now. Each memory address to be scanned is wrapped up in a ScanEntry instance. This holds a parent entry that indicates where the pointer was found, an offset within the parent, the scanned address, and an index. The index is used to assign each entry a number to make it easier to cross-reference them in the output. This is a class rather than a struct because multiple data structures need to refer to the same instance, and potentially mutate it or see mutations. Here's the definition:

    class ScanEntry {
        let parent: ScanEntry?
        var parentOffset: Int
        let address: Pointer
        var index: Int

        init(parent: ScanEntry?, parentOffset: Int, address: Pointer, index: Int) {
            self.parent = parent
            self.parentOffset = parentOffset
            self.address = address
            self.index = index

Actually performing a scan on a ScanEntry produces a ScanResult. A ScanResult points to an entry and a parent. It also contains a Memory that represents its contents, an array of child results, an indentation level, and a print color:

    class ScanResult {
        let entry: ScanEntry
        let parent: ScanResult?
        let memory: Memory
        var children = [ScanResult]()
        var indent = 0
        var color: PrintColor = .Default

init sets up the let variables:

        init(entry: ScanEntry, parent: ScanResult?, memory: Memory) {
            self.entry = entry
            self.parent = parent
            self.memory = memory

It's handy to get a name for a ScanResult, but it's not quite as easy as just looking it up:

        var name: String {

If this entry happens to refer to an Objective-C class, then we can ask that class for its name:

            if let c = ObjCClass.atAddress(entry.address) {
                return c.name

If the entry refers to an Objective-C object then the first pointer-sized chunk of the memory will be an isa that refers to the object's class. At least on architectures and OSes that don't use a non-pointer isa. Memory's scanPointers method makes it easy albeit inefficient to grab the first pointer. If the first pointer exists (i.e. the memory is at least long enough to contain one) and it points to an Objective-C class, we fake up a -description style name and return that:

            let pointers = memory.scanPointers()
            if pointers.count > 0 {
                if let c = ObjCClass.atAddress(pointers[0].pointer) {
                    return "<\(c.name): \(entry.address.description)>"

If all else fails, return the description of the underlying Pointer:

            return entry.address.description

An entry knows how to dump itself to a Printer:

        func dump(p: Printer) {

If the entry has a parent, it prints the parent's address and this entry's offset within it, all in the parent's color to make it easier to visually cross-reference. Otherwise, it prints the fact that this is the root pointer:

            if let parent = entry.parent {
                p.print(self.parent!.color, "\(pad(parent.index, 3)), \(pad(self.parent!.name, 24))@\(pad(entry.parentOffset, 3, align: .Left))")
                p.print(") <- ")
            } else {
                p.print("Starting pointer: ")

Next, print the entry's index, description, and size:

            p.print(color, "\(pad(entry.index, 3)) \(entry.address.description): ")

            p.print(color, "\(pad(memory.buffer.count, 5)) bytes ")

Next, print the type of memory, whether it came from malloc, is a symbol, or is just unknown:

            if memory.isMalloc {
                p.print(color, "<malloc> ")
            } else if memory.isSymbol {
                p.print(color, "<symbol> ")
            } else {
                p.print(color, "<unknwn> ")

After this, the memory contents are dumped, limited so that large chunks don't occupy tons of room:

            p.print(color, limit(memory.hex(), 101))

If there's a symbol name, print that too:

            if let symbolName = entry.address.symbolName() {
                p.print(" Symbol \(symbolName)")

If it's an Objective-C class, print that:

            if let objCClass = ObjCClass.atAddress(entry.address) {
                p.print(" ObjC class \(objCClass.name)")

If the memory contains any human-readable strings, print them out as well:

            let strings = memory.scanStrings()
            if strings.count > 0 {
                p.print(" -- strings: (")
                p.print(", ".join(strings))

Then print a newline and we're done:


Dumping a single ScanResult isn't so interesting. What's interesting is dumping the whole hierarchy:

        func recursiveDump(p: Printer) {

Entries with children will be assigned a color. To ensure variety, the color is chosen by iterating through an array of colors as each entry is scanned. A helper function wraps it all up:

            var entryColorIndex = 0
            let entryColors: [PrintColor] = [ .Red, .Green, .Yellow, .Blue, .Magenta, .Cyan ]
            func nextColor() -> PrintColor {
                return entryColors[entryColorIndex++ % entryColors.count]

To dump the entire tree, we track an array of pending entries. We remove an entry from the array and examine it. If it has children, we add those children to the array. We keep doing this until we run out of array:

            var chain = [self]
            while chain.count > 0 {

The result to scan is popped off the end of the array:

                let result = chain.removeLast()

Results with children get assigned a color:

                if result.children.count > 0 {
                    result.color = nextColor()

The result is indented and then dumped:

                for i in 0..<result.indent {
                    p.print("  ")

Children are then added to the array. Their indentation is also set at this time:

                for child in result.children.reverse() {
                    child.indent = result.indent + 1

The reverse() swaps the order in which children are printed, causing the first child to be printed first. The fact that entries are added to and removed from the end also changes how things are printed, making it a depth-first print rather than a breadth-first print. These can be changed around to change how the dump output is organized.

We've finally reached the last piece of the puzzle. The scanmem function takes an arbitrary value and returns a ScanResult representing that value. It also takes a limit of how many entries to scan before returning. It can produce a lot of output otherwise as it ends up scanning the whole Objective-C class tree and everything it points to. Limiting it keeps it from jumping off into the weeds and helps to ensure that the output is relevant to what we want to view.

The function is written using generics to ensure it works on the exact type of value that's passed in by the caller and to avoid any boxing or wrapping as might happen with Any:

    func scanmem<T>(var x: T, limit: Int) -> ScanResult {

The number of entries seen so far is kept in count:

        var count = 0

To avoid infinite loops, entries that have already been seen are tracked. A Dictionary mapping to Void makes for a handy set type:

        var seen = Dictionary<Pointer, Void>()

Entries pending to be scanned are held in an array:

        var toScan = Array<ScanEntry>()

Results are held in a Dictionary keyed on their Pointer so that children can be easily matched with their parents:

        var results = Dictionary<Pointer, ScanResult>()

In order to dump x, we need a pointer to it. The withUnsafePointer function takes a value and provides a pointer to it. We'll take that pointer and then do all the dirty work inside, finally returning the root ScanResult:

        return withUnsafePointer(&x) {
            (ptr: UnsafePointer<T>) -> ScanResult in

Our friend unsafeBitCast handles the conversion of ptr to a UInt that can be used to create a Pointer:

            let firstAddr: Pointer = Pointer(address: unsafeBitCast(ptr, UInt.self))

The ScanEntry for this first address has no parent, no offset, and an index of zero:

            let firstEntry = ScanEntry(parent: nil, parentOffset: 0, address: firstAddr, index: 0)

Mark firstAddr as seen, and add firstEntry to the toScan array:

            seen[firstAddr] = ()

The scan loop consists of repeatedly pulling en entry, scanning it, and adding child entries to the toScan array until either the scan limit is reached or it runs out of stuff to scan:

            while toScan.count > 0 && count < limit {

Pull the entry to scan off the end of the array:

                let entry = toScan.removeLast()

Set the index of the entry from count:

                entry.index = count

Read the underlying memory at the ScanEntry's address. In the special case where count is zero and we know that we're reading x, we can pass a known size in to the function by using sizeof to get the size of T. Otherwise, we'll pass nil and let Memory.read try to figure out the size on its own:

                let memory: Memory! = Memory.read(entry.address, knownSize: count == 0 ? sizeof(T.self) : nil)

The read may fail. If it does, then entry probably isn't for a real pointer, and we'll just skip it. Otherwise, proceed:

                if memory != nil {

If it's a real entry, then we can increment count:


Look up the parent ScanResult by looking in results for the parent's address, if it exists:

                    let parent = entry.parent.map{ results[$0.address] }?

Create a ScanResult for the current entry:

                    let result = ScanResult(entry: entry, parent: parent, memory: memory)

If there's a parent ScanResult, add this one to its children:


Also add it to results:

                    results[entry.address] = result

That handles the ScanResult for this entry. Now it's time to create new entries for any pointers it contains. First, scan the memory for pointers and iterate over them:

                    let pointersAndOffsets = memory.scanPointers()
                    for pointerAndOffset in pointersAndOffsets {
                        let pointer = pointerAndOffset.pointer
                        let offset = pointerAndOffset.offset

Only create entries for pointers that haven't already been seen:

                        if seen[pointer] == nil {

If the pointer hasn't been seen before, mark it as seen now, and make a new entry for it:

                            seen[pointer] = ()
                            let newEntry = ScanEntry(parent: entry, parentOffset: offset, address: pointer, index: count)

Insert the new entry at the beginning of toScan. This could also be added at the end, which would make this a depth-first scan rather than a breadth-first scan. I found breadth-first to be more useful for exploration:

                            toScan.insert(newEntry, atIndex: 0)

And that's about it! All that remains is to return the root ScanResult. We grab that by looking it up in results:

            return results[firstAddr]!

To use this function, create a Printer, call scanmem with a value and a limit, then call recursiveDump on the result and end the Printer:

    let printer = TermPrinter()
    scanmem(42, 30).recursiveDump(printer)

This produces:

Starting pointer:   0 0x00007fff52eb8a08:     8 bytes 2a00000000000000

Let's try a more complicated example:

    let printer = TermPrinter()
    class X {}
    scanmem(X(), 30).recursiveDump(printer)

This produces:

Starting pointer:   0 0x00007fff52184a08:     8 bytes 60c5c019a17f0000
  (  0,      0x00007fff52184a08@0  ) <-   1 0x00007fa119c0c560:   16 bytes 1063a90d01000000 0400000001000000
    (  1, @0  ) <-   2 0x000000010da96310:   128 bytes d062a90d01000000 a804c90d01000000 10ca968bff7f0000 0000000000000000 e14ec019a17f0000 0300000000000000... ObjC class memory.X
      (  2,                memory.X@0  ) <-   3 0x000000010da962d0:   48 bytes d004c90d01000000 d004c90d01000000 40d7c019a17f0000 0300000001000000 204fc019a17f0000 0000000000000000 Symbol _TMmC6memory1X
        (  3,      0x000000010da962d0@0  ) <-   9 0x000000010dc904d0:   40 bytes d004c90d01000000 a804c90d01000000 10ca968bff7f0000 0000000000000000 f031c019a17f0000 Symbol OBJC_METACLASS_$_SwiftObject
          (  9,      0x000000010dc904d0@32 ) <- 16 0x00007fa119c031f0:   64 bytes 008018a007000000 28f6c80d01000000 3032c019a17f0000 0000000000000000 1033c019a17f0000 d062a90d01000000...
            ( 16,      0x00007fa119c031f0@8  ) <- 25 0x000000010dc8f628:   128 bytes 0700000028000000 2800000000000000 0000000000000000 944ac70d01000000 58f2c80d01000000 10f6c80d01000000...
            ( 16,      0x00007fa119c031f0@16 ) <- 26 0x00007fa119c03230:   224 bytes 1b00000009000000 49a6e587ff7f0000 194bc70d01000000 d094c50d01000000 15a8e587ff7f0000 044bc70d01000000...
            ( 16,      0x00007fa119c031f0@32 ) <- 27 0x00007fa119c03310:   16 bytes 10f6c80d01000000 0000000000000000
        (  3,      0x000000010da962d0@16 ) <- 10 0x00007fa119c0d740:   64 bytes 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 f5a9e587ff7f0000 0095c50d01000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000...
          ( 10,      0x00007fa119c0d740@16 ) <- 17 0x00007fff87e5a9f5:   128 bytes 636c617373005f69 6e69745769746855 524c3a746167733a 006164644f626a65 63743a005f617379 6e6368726f6e6f75... -- strings: (class, _initWithURL:tags:, addObject:, _asynchronouslyWaitForURLToChangeThenSetTags, removeObject:, removeCachedResourceValueForKey:)
          ( 10,      0x00007fa119c0d740@24 ) <- 18 0x000000010dc59500:   16 bytes 554889e54889f85d c30f1f8000000000 Symbol +[SwiftObject class]
        (  3,      0x000000010da962d0@32 ) <- 11 0x00007fa119c04f20:   64 bytes 008018a007000000 0059a90d01000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000...
          ( 11,      0x00007fa119c04f20@8  ) <- 19 0x000000010da95900:   128 bytes 8100000028000000 2800000000000000 0000000000000000 252fa90d01000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000...
            ( 19,      0x000000010da95900@24 ) <- 28 0x000000010da92f25:   128 bytes 5f547443366d656d 6f72793158004336 6d656d6f72793158 0056534337646c5f 696e666f002f7573 722f6c69622f6c69... -- strings: (_TtC6memory1X, C6memory1X, VSC7dl_info, /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib, objc_readClassPair, NSUndoManagerProxy, _targetClass, _objc_readC)
          ( 11,      0x00007fa119c04f20@48 ) <- 20 0x000000010da96180:   40 bytes d004c90d01000000 d004c90d01000000 e00bc119a17f0000 0300000001000000 804ec019a17f0000 Symbol _TMmC6memory10ScanResult
            ( 20,      0x000000010da96180@16 ) <- 29 0x00007fa119c10be0:   64 bytes 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 f5a9e587ff7f0000 0095c50d01000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000...
      (  2,                memory.X@8  ) <-   4 0x000000010dc904a8:   40 bytes d004c90d01000000 0000000000000000 10ca968bff7f0000 0000000000000000 b031c019a17f0000 Symbol OBJC_CLASS_$_SwiftObject ObjC class SwiftObject
        (  4,              SwiftObject@32 ) <- 12 0x00007fa119c031b0:   64 bytes 0080988000000000 10f9c80d01000000 2033c019a17f0000 5035c019a17f0000 a035c019a17f0000 1063a90d01000000...
          ( 12,      0x00007fa119c031b0@8  ) <- 21 0x000000010dc8f910:   128 bytes 0600000000000000 1000000000000000 0000000000000000 944ac70d01000000 70f6c80d01000000 10f6c80d01000000...
          ( 12,      0x00007fa119c031b0@16 ) <- 22 0x00007fa119c03320:   560 bytes 1b00000017000000 66a6e587ff7f0000 fc4ac70d01000000 4096c50d01000000 6ea6e587ff7f0000 194bc70d01000000...
          ( 12,      0x00007fa119c031b0@24 ) <- 23 0x00007fa119c03550:   80 bytes 0000000000000000 0400000000000000 d835c70d01000000 dd35c70d01000000 e235c70d01000000 ed35c70d01000000...
          ( 12,      0x00007fa119c031b0@32 ) <- 24 0x00007fa119c035a0:   16 bytes 10f6c80d01000000 0000000000000000
      (  2,                memory.X@16 ) <-   5 0x00007fff8b96ca10:   40 bytes 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000005940 Symbol _objc_empty_cache
      (  2,                memory.X@32 ) <-   6 0x00007fa119c04ee1:   128 bytes 8098800000000048 59a90d0100000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000000000f0...
      (  2,                memory.X@64 ) <-   7 0x000000010da95360:   64 bytes 0000000000000000 332fa90d01000000 000000000a000000 082ca90d01000000 c0a6a80d01000000 0000000000000000... Symbol _TMnC6memory1X
        (  7,      0x000000010da95360@8  ) <- 13 0x000000010da92f33:   128 bytes 43366d656d6f7279 3158005653433764 6c5f696e666f002f 7573722f6c69622f 6c69626f626a632e 412e64796c696200... -- strings: (C6memory1X, VSC7dl_info, /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib, objc_readClassPair, NSUndoManagerProxy, _targetClass, _objc_readClassPair, _objc)
        (  7,      0x000000010da95360@24 ) <- 14 0x000000010da92c08:   128 bytes 0000000000000000 4d75737420656e64 207072696e746572 206265666f726520 64657374726f7969 6e67206974002e2f... -- strings: (Must end printer before destroying it, ./memory.swift, assertion failed, can't unsafeBitCast betw)
        (  7,      0x000000010da95360@32 ) <- 15 0x000000010da8a6c0:   160 bytes 554889e54883ec30 488b05b9bd000048 3d0000000048897d f8488945f0756e31 c089c1b807000000 89c64889cf48894d... Symbol get_field_types_X
      (  2,                memory.X@72 ) <-   8 0x000000010da8a040:   16 bytes 554889e548897df8 4889f85dc30f1f00 Symbol _TFC6memory1XcfMS0_FT_S0_


This is far from normal or sane Swift code, but it works and the results are really useful. It's also a great example of how Swift lets you interact with all sorts of low-level C calls without much more of a fuss than it takes to call them from C. Although you should probably avoid these shenanigans when you can, the fact that you can do stuff like unsafeBitCast and get pointers to the internal storage of arrays is really handy when you need it.

That's it for today. Come back next time for more wacky goodness. Friday Q&A is driven by reader ideas, so until then, keep sending in your topic suggestions.

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let convertedPtr: UnsafePointer<Void> = unsafeBitCast(ptr.address, UnsafePointer<Void>.self)

I'm not sure you need to do this. UnsafePointer has

/// Construct an `UnsafePointer` from a given address in memory.
init(bitPattern: Word)

/// Construct an `UnsafePointer` from a given address in memory.
init(bitPattern: UWord)

where Word and UWord are Int and UInt respectively.

So presumably

let convertedPtr = UnsafePointer<Void>(bitPattern: ptr.address)

would work.
Instead of unsafeBitCast(address, Int.self) for casting from Uint to Int you can use Int(bitPattern: address)
Instead of sizeof(address.dynamicType) you could also do sizeofValue(address)
When I had it as just cell.text I was getting a compile error saying that deprecated APIs as of ios7 are unavailable in Swift.
can we create recursive data structures with struct or enum ?
This is far from normal or sane Swift code, but it works and the results are really useful. It’s also a great example of how Swift lets you interact with all sorts of low-level C calls without much more of a fuss than it takes to call them from C. Although you should probably avoid these shenanigans when you can, the fact that you can do stuff like unsafeBitCast and get pointers to the internal storage of arrays is really handy when you need it.

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