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Friday Q&A 2015-04-17: Let's Build Swift.Array
by Mike Ash  

Swift 1.2 is now available as part of Xcode 6.3, and one of the new APIs it includes allows us to build efficient data structures with value semantics, such as Swift's built-in Array type. Today, I'm going to reimplement the core functionality of Array.

Value and Reference Semantics
Before we get started, let's have a quick refresher on value and reference semantics. Reference semantics are what we're used to from Objective-C and most other object-oriented languages when we use object pointers or references. You might put a reference to an object into a variable:

    MyClass *a = ...;

Then you copy that variable into another variable:

    MyClass *b = a;

Now both a and b refer to the same object. If that object is mutable, then changes made to one will be visible to the other.

Value semantics are how things like int behave in Objective-C. With value semantics, the variable contains the actual value, not a reference to the value. When you use = you get a new copy of the value. For example:

    int a = 42;
    int b = a;

At this point, b contains 43 but a still contains 42.

In Swift, class types have reference semantics, and struct types have value semantics. If you use = on a class type, you get a new reference to the same instance. Modifications to that instance are visible to all references. If you use = on a struct type then you get a copy of that value, independent of the original.

Swift made the unusual move of making arrays and dictionaries have value semantics. For example:

    var a = [1, 2, 3]
    var b = a

In most language, this code (or the equivalent) would result in both a and b containing a reference to an array containing [1, 2, 3, 4]. In Swift, a contains [1, 2, 3] and b contains [1, 2, 3, 4].

Implementing Value Semantics
If your object contains a fixed amount of data, implementing value semantics in Swift is easy: put all of your data into a struct and you're done. For example, if you wanted a 2D Point type to have value semantics, you can just make a struct containing a x and y values:

    struct Point {
        var x: Int
        var y: Int

Presto, you have value semantics. But how do you accomplish it for something like Array? You can't put all of the array elements in the struct, since you don't know how many there are when you write the code. You could create a pointer to the elements:

    struct Array<T> {
        var ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

However, you need to take special action any time this struct is assigned or destroyed. When the struct is assigned, you need to copy the contents to a new pointer so that the new struct doesn't share data with the old one. When it's destroyed, the pointer needs to be destroyed as well. Swift does not allow any customization of struct assignment or destruction.

Destruction can be solved by using a class, which provides deinit. The pointer can be destroyed there. class doesn't have value semantics, but we can solve this by using class for the implementation of the struct, and exposing the struct as the external interface to the array. This looks something like:

    class ArrayImpl<T> {
        var ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

        deinit {

    struct Array<T> {
        var impl: ArrayImpl<T>

You then write methods on Array that forward to implementations on ArrayImpl, where the real work is done.

If we just leave it like this, then we still have reference semantics despite using a struct. If you make a copy of the struct, you'll get a new struct that still refers to the old ArrayImpl. And we can't customize struct assignment, so there's no way to copy the ArrayImpl too. The solution to this is not to copy on assignment, but rather copy on mutation. The key is that you still have value semantics if a copy shares a reference with the original as long as that reference points to the exact same data with no changes. It's only when shared data is changed that reference semantics become visibly different from value semantics.

For example, you might implement append to first copy the ArrayImpl (presuming that there is a copy method implemented on ArrayImpl, then mutate the copy:

    mutating func append(value: T) {
        impl = impl.copy()

This gives value semantics for Array. Although a and b will still share a reference to the same underlying data after assignment, any mutation will work on a copy, thus preserving the illusion of not sharing data.

This works fine, but it's terribly inefficient. For example:

    var a: [Int] = []
    for i in 0..<1000 {

This will copy the underlying data storage on every iteration of the loop, and then immediately destroy the previous storage, even though nothing else can see it. How do we fix this?

This is the new API introduced in Swift 1.2. It does pretty much what it says. Give it a reference to an object and it tells you whether or not it's uniquely referenced. Specifically, it returns true if and only if the object has a single strong reference.

Presumably, the implementation checks the object's reference count and returns true if the reference count is 1. Why not just provide a way to query the reference count and call it a day? It could be that this is impractical for some reason, but it's also information that would be really easy to abuse, and providing a wrapper for this single case is safer.

Using this call, the example implementation of append can be modified to copy the underlying storage only when necessary:

    mutating func append(value: T) {
        if !isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC(&impl) {
            impl = impl.copy()

This API is actually a family of three functions. From the Swift module in Xcode:

    func isUniquelyReferenced<T : NonObjectiveCBase>(inout object: T) -> Bool
    func isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC<T>(inout object: T?) -> Bool
    func isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC<T>(inout object: T) -> Bool

These calls only work on pure Swift classes, not @objc types. The first one requires that the type explicitly declare this by subclassing the special NonObjectiveCBase class. The other two don't require that, and simply return false for all @objc types.

I was unable to get my code to compile with NonObjectiveCBase and so resorted to isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC instead. Functionally, there should be no difference.

Let's get started with the implementation. I'll begin with ArrayImpl, then move on to Array.

This will not be a full reimplementation of the entire Array API. Instead, I'll implement just enough to make it reasonably functional, and demonstrate the principles involved.

The array contains three pieces of data: a pointer, the count of items in the array, and the total amount of space available in the current memory allocation. Only the pointer and count are required, but by allocating more memory than required and keeping track of the extra space, we can avoid a lot of expensive reallocations. Here's the beginning of the class:

    class ArrayImpl<T> {
        var space: Int
        var count: Int
        var ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

The init method takes a count and a pointer, and copies the contents of the pointer into the new object. Default values of 0 and nil are provided so the init can be called without any parameters to create an empty array implementation:

        init(count: Int = 0, ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<T> = nil) {
            self.count = count
            self.space = count

            self.ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.alloc(count)
            self.ptr.initializeFrom(ptr, count: count)

The initializeFrom call copies the data into the new pointer. Note that UnsafeMutablePointer distinguishes between different kinds of assignments, and it's important to get them all right to avoid crashes. The differences are due to whether the underlying memory is treated as initialized or uninitialized. Upon calling alloc, the resulting pointer is uninitialized and potentially filled with garbage. A normal assignment, such as ptr.memory = ..., is not legal here, because assignment will deinitialize the existing value before copying the new value. This doesn't matter for something like Int, but if you're working with a more complex data type it will crash. Here, initializeFrom treats the destination pointer as uninitialized memory, which is exactly what it is.

Next, there's a mutating append method. The first thing it does is check to see if the pointer needs to be reallocated. If there's no extra space left, we need a new chunk of memory:

        func append(obj: T) {
            if space == count {

We'll double the amount of space in the new allocation, with a floor at 16:

                let newSpace = max(space * 2, 16)
                let newPtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.alloc(newSpace)

Now copy the data from the old allocation:

                newPtr.moveInitializeFrom(ptr, count: count)

This is another kind of assignment, which not only treats the destination as uninitialized, but also destroys the source. This saves us the effort of writing code to destroy the contents of the old memory, and might be more efficient too. With the data moved over, the old pointer can be deallocated, and the new data placed into the class's properties:

                ptr = newPtr
                space = newSpace

Now we're assured of having enough space, so we can copy the new value into the end of the memory and increment count:

            (ptr + count).initialize(obj)

The mutating remove method is simpler, since there's no need to reallocate memory. First, it destroys the value being removed:

        func remove(# index: Int) {
            (ptr + index).destroy()

The moveInitializeFrom function takes care of shuffling all remaining items down by one:

            (ptr + index).moveInitializeFrom(ptr + index + 1, count: count - index - 1)

And decrement the count to reflect the removal:


We also need a copy method so the struct can make copies of the underlying storage when needed. The actual copying code lives in init, so this just creates a new instance and has it perform the copy:

        func copy() -> ArrayImpl<T> {
            return ArrayImpl<T>(count: count, ptr: ptr)

That's nearly everything. We just have to ensure that the class cleans up after itself when it's destroyed by using deinit to destroy the values in the array and deallocate the pointer:

        deinit {

Let's move on to the Array struct. Its only property is an ArrayImpl:

    struct Array<T>: SequenceType {
        var impl: ArrayImpl<T> = ArrayImpl<T>()

All mutating functions will start by checking to see if impl is uniquely referenced, and copying it if it's not. This is wrapped up in a function that they will all call:

       mutating func ensureUnique() {
            if !isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC(&impl) {
                impl = impl.copy()

append is then just a matter of calling ensureUnique and then calling the append method of ArrayImpl:

        mutating func append(value: T) {

The same goes for remove:

        mutating func remove(# index: Int) {
            impl.remove(index: index)

The count property just passes through to ArrayImpl's:

        var count: Int {
            return impl.count

Subscripting reaches directly into the underlying pointer. If we were writing this code for real, we'd want a range check here (and in remove), but I omitted it from the example:

        subscript(index: Int) -> T {
            get {
                return impl.ptr[index]
            mutating set {
                impl.ptr[index] = newValue

Finally, Array implements SequenceType so it can be used in a for in statement. This requires a Generator typealias and a generate function. The built-in GeneratorOf type makes it easy to implement. GeneratorOf takes a block that returns the next element in the collection each time it's called, or nil when it reaches the end, and produces a GeneratorType that wraps that block:

        typealias Generator = GeneratorOf<T>

The generate function starts at index 0 and increments until it runs off the end, then starts returning nil:

        func generate() -> Generator {
            var index = 0
            return GeneratorOf<T>({
                if index < self.count {
                    return self[index++]
                } else {
                    return nil

And that's it!

Our Array is a generic struct that conforms to CollectionType:

    struct Array<T>: CollectionType {

The only data it contains is a reference to an underlying ArrayImpl:

        private var impl: ArrayImpl<T> = ArrayImpl<T>()

Any method that mutates the array must first check to see if impl is uniquely referenced, and copy it if it's not. That functionality is wrapped up in a private method that the others can call:

        private mutating func ensureUnique() {
            if !isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC(&impl) {
                impl = impl.copy()

The append method calls ensureUnique and then invokes append on the impl:

        mutating func append(value: T) {

The implementation for remove is nearly identical:

        mutating func remove(# index: Int) {
            impl.remove(index: index)

The count property is a computed property that just calls through to the impl:

        var count: Int {
            return impl.count

The subscript implementation directly modifies the underlying data within the impl. Normally this sort of direct access from outside a class would be a bad idea, but Array and ArrayImpl are so closely tied together that it doesn't seem too harmful. The set side of subscript mutates the array and so calls ensureUnique to preserve value semantics:

        subscript(index: Int) -> T {
            get {
                return impl.ptr[index]
            mutating set {
                impl.ptr[index] = newValue

The CollectionType protocol requires an Index typealias. For Array, the index type is just Int:

        typealias Index = Int

It also requires properties that provide a start and end index. For Array, the start index is 0 and the end index is the number of items in the array:

        var startIndex: Index {
            return 0

        var endIndex: Index {
            return count

The CollectionType protocol includes SequenceType, which is what allows objects to be used in a for/in loop. It works by having the sequence provide a generator, which is an object that can return successive elements of the sequence. The generator type is defined by the type that adopts the protocol. Array just uses GeneratorOf, which is a handy wrapper that allows creating a generator with a closure:

        typealias Generator = GeneratorOf<T>

The generate method has to return a generator. It uses GeneratorOf and provides a closure that increments an index until it hits the end of the array. By declaring index outside of the closure, it gets captured and its value persists across calls:

        func generate() -> Generator {
            var index = 0
            return GeneratorOf<T>{
                if index < self.count {
                    return self[index++]
                } else {
                    return nil

That completes the implementation of Array.

Full Implementation and Test Code
The full implementation presented here, plus some tests that make sure everything works properly, is available on GitHub:


The addition of isUniquelyReferenced to Swift 1.2 is a welcome change that allows implementing some pretty interesting data structures, including replicating the value semantics of the standard library's collections.

That's it for today. Come back next time for more fun, action, and fun and action. Until then, if you have a topic you'd like to see covered here, please send it in!

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mutating func append(value: T) {
    if isUniquelyReferenced(&impl) {
        impl = impl.copy()

you mean if ! isUniquelyReferenced(&impl) right?
The reason you can't use NonObjectiveCBase is that it has no public constructor. Whether that is intentional or not, I'm not sure but the (sub)subclass ManagedBuffer can be used.

A ManagedBuffer instance essentially has the following layout:
<runtime stuff><Value><padding><Elements>
Where runtime stuff is the usual isa, ref count, etc. stuff, Value is a generic field that you use to store metadata like count & space in and Elements is memory to hold space elements.

Note that Elements is raw memory and not a pointer, the elements are stored in the object instance similar to how you'd use a dynamically sized struct in C. Kinda weird but neat as it saves you from doing a second pointer dereference when accessing elements.

Also, once you conform to the CollectionType protocol, you can use IndexingGenerator which is a nice generic generator that should work well fro most collections. GeneratorOf is nice too but is *relatively* slow.
Pierre Habouzit: Yes indeed, thanks. Fixed. Not sure how that happened, I thought I copy/pasted that code from my playground.
Great post Mike, it would be really awesome as a playground :-)

I paused to think, during iteration of the sequence produced by .generate(), what happens if the array is modified? At first I thought the generator would see its contents change underfoot, but no… self is captured as a value copy, so the impl is not uniquely referenced anymore. Modifications would copy the original's impl and leave the sequence untouched. Cool!
How does isUniquelyReferenced work with concurrency?
@Bill: the code calling isUniquelyReferenced owns a reference, right?

So there is no issue with concurrency because the only guy that can make the refcount go from 1 to 2+ and have references escape is your own code.

I assume isUniquelyReferenced can say “false” and be a false negative though, if the last other thread having a reference is releasing its reference.
<isUniquelyReferenced> is safe for concurrency.
See http://swiftdoc.org/func/isUniquelyReferenced/

 thank you for another great tutorial! It would be interesting to take this one step further and implement array as an efficient persistent data structure (which avoids full copies as much as possible), like Clojure vectors or RRB-Trees (http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/169879/files/RMTrees.pdf?version=2)

 It would be also interesting to know whether the native Swift implementation uses data structures of this kind, or whether they do immutability via plain old copies.
Nice article. @Jnosh pointed out ManagedBuffer; that actually provides a much better basis for building Swift.ContiguousArray, which is why we put it in the standard library :-)

When you are deallocating the ptr in append and in deinit, i think it should actually be ptr.dealloc(space) instead of ptr.dealloc(count), right?
It seems that this array implementation stores elements by values, not by references. So can you please explain how will it work in case of heterogeneous array, e.g. [Drawable]?
Toni: You are of course correct. I've fixed it in the article. Thanks for pointing this out.

Vasily Ivanov: The language just does the right thing for you. Values of a protocol type like that are internally represented as a big chunk of memory which stores metadata about the real type of that particular value, plus its data. Reference types will be stored as a reference next to the metadata. Small value types are stored inline. Larger value types are stored as a pointer to the actual data. All of this is automatically managed by the compiler, so it's invisible. For more (old, but probably still more or less accurate) information on how values of protocol types work, see the Protocols section of this article:


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