App Switcher change log
App Switcher 0.9.8
- Updated to work with Jaguar.
- Removed Command-Tab hot-key choice. (Command-Tab no longer works with Jaguar.)
- Chinese and French localizations.
- Removed expiration and expiration warning.
- Application version in Finder Get Info window is now correct.
- Provided up-to-date Change Log. The Change Log distributed with 0.9.0 was quite old, and unnecessary.
- The hot key is now configurable. Choose between command-, control-, and option-tab.
- Applications can be excluded from the switcher window at the user's choice.
- Icons of hidden applications are dimmed less and can actually be seen now.
- Pressing and releasing shift while holding down the hot key (but not tab) now moves the selection backwards just like shift-tab does.
- Changed settings in the preferences pane now take effect immediately, instead of when the pane is closed.
- Fixed a bug where applications with strange names (symbols, accents, non-Roman characters) weren't correctly displayed.
- The .app extension is no longer displayed for programs that have this extension.
- Fixed a drawing bug that drew a white rectangle around hidden programs.
- Drawing is now much more efficient.
- Marking a program to be quit or hidden and then releasing the hot key no longer brings that program to the front. Any program marked for hiding or quitting and then selected will not be activated.
- Provided (I hope!) an actual working Installer package for the preference pane.
- Ending the switch session by pressing escape or ` now correctly re-selects the frontmost program.
- Preferences pane and error messages localized for Japanese.
- First public release.