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"A failure in the hot air department"
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by Mike AshTags: book
The good news is that I'm officially restarting work on The Complete Friday Q&A: Volume II. I got partway into it a while ago and ran out of steam. The restarted edition includes all posts made since then, making it pretty massive. I can't commit to a specific timeframe, but I hope that it will be a few months at most before I have it out. There may be opportunities for reader involvement in checking and polishing it, so watch this space.

by Mike AshTags: book epub pdf print-on-demand
Following last week's of The Complete Friday Q&A: Volume I, I had requests for additional formats. Some asked for PDF, some asked for paper, and some asked for ePub that could be bought without the geographical restrictions of iBooks. I am happy to report that these are all available.

by Mike AshTags: book epub
As you may have noticed, The Complete Friday Q&A is now available from iBooks and Amazon. To celebrate, I'm going to skip the regular Friday Q&A this week and instead talk about my experience in writing that book, polishing it, and the general world of self-publishing.

by Mike AshTags: book epub
After months of hard work by an incredibly gracious group of reviewers, The Complete Friday Q&A: Volume I is now available through iBooks and Amazon!
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