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by Gwynne RaskindTags: assembly macho fridayqna guest evil dwarf letsbuild
This is something of a followup to my last article, dyld: Dynamic Linking On OS X, in which I explored how the dynamic linker dyld does its job. This week, I'm going to recreate the function of both the compiler and the static linker, building a Mach-O binary completely from scratch with only the help of the assembler.

by Gwynne RaskindTags: dyld assembly macho fridayqna guest link linking
In the course of a recent job interview, I had an opportunity to study some of the internals of dyld, the OS X dynamic linker. I found this particular corner of the system interesting, and I see a lot of people having trouble with linking issues, so I decided to do an article about the basics of dynamic linking. Some of the deeper logic is new to me, so sorry in advance for any inaccuracies.
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