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Showing entries tagged "assembly". Full blog index.

by Mike AshTags: fridayqna swift assembly
Swift's error handling is a unique feature of the language. It looks a lot like exceptions in other languages, but the syntax is not quite the same, and it doesn't quite work the same either. Today I'm going to take a look at how Swift errors work on the inside.

by Mike AshTags: fridayqna objectivec assembly
We're back! During the week of WWDC, I spoke at CocoaConf Next Door, and one of my talks involved a dissection of objc_msgSend's ARM64 implementation. I thought that turning it into an article would make for a nice return to blogging for Friday Q&A.

by Mike AshTags: fridayqna arc memory assembly
Welcome back to another Friday Q&A. I apologize for the unannounced hiatus in posts. It's not due to anything interesting, just a shortage of time. Friday Q&A will continue, and I will continue to aim for my regular biweekly postings. For today's article, I have a little story about an autorelease call that didn't do what it was supposed to do.

by Landon FullerTags: crashmines guest debugging assembly
Today's post comes courtesy of Landon Fuller, who you may remember from a previous guest post about mach exception handlers. Landon is a fellow member at Plausible Labs, and today he presents the first in what is intended to be a running series on interesting crashes we encounter in our work.

by Mike AshTags: fridayqna assembly compiler
Some people have a favorite color or a favorite food. It may come as no surprise that I have a favorite compiler bug. Today, I'm going to demonstrate it and pick it apart, a topic suggested by reader Daniel Jalkut.

by Gwynne RaskindTags: assembly macho fridayqna guest evil dwarf letsbuild
This is something of a followup to my last article, dyld: Dynamic Linking On OS X, in which I explored how the dynamic linker dyld does its job. This week, I'm going to recreate the function of both the compiler and the static linker, building a Mach-O binary completely from scratch with only the help of the assembler.

by Gwynne RaskindTags: dyld assembly macho fridayqna guest link linking
In the course of a recent job interview, I had an opportunity to study some of the internals of dyld, the OS X dynamic linker. I found this particular corner of the system interesting, and I see a lot of people having trouble with linking issues, so I decided to do an article about the basics of dynamic linking. Some of the deeper logic is new to me, so sorry in advance for any inaccuracies.

by Gwynne RaskindTags: fridayqna objectivec assembly disassembly guest
Gwynne finishes off her series on analyzing assembly code with a look at ARM assembly, for all of your iOS needs. Gwynne will be contributing the occasional article in the future as well as a guest author, without my introductions. Watch the Author field at the top of the post to see who's writing what. Without further ado, let's take a look at ARM.

by Gwynne RaskindTags: fridayqna objectivec assembly disassembly guest
Today I have the pleasure to present the followup to last week's guest post. Gwynne Raskind returns to complete her in-depth analysis of the assembly code generated by a small sample program.

by Gwynne RaskindTags: fridayqna objectivec assembly disassembly guest
As a small change of pace, today's post is written by guest author Gwynne Raskind. My last post touched a bit on disassembling object files, and Gwynne wanted to dive deeply into just how to read the output in detail. Without further ado, I present her wonderful in-depth look at reading x86_64 assembly.

by Mike AshTags: fridayqna blocks trampoline assembly evil
Welcome to another edition of Friday Q&A, where deep technical talk and complete insanity combine! This week, I'm going to take a quick break from my usual reader-driven format and talk about a little toy I built earlier in the week, an adapter between blocks and more traditional function-pointer-based callback systems.
Hosted at DigitalOcean.